Sunday, May 30, 2010

The far

It is ONLY Sunday - which means I still have a Sunday and Monday shift at the swim club. Rah rah! No but seriously, I am actually enjoying it. I'm on my feet a lot - which is a double edged sword. It's great because it keeps me active (read: helps burn extra calories) but by the end of the day I'm exhaustified! Ha. I suppose I'll get used to it. On the real though - the guards are great, they're fun, and of course some of them are awkward so they don't want to do anything. That'll change quickly. I'll make it change. Here's hoping today is as smooth as yesterday was. We had a decent amount of people at the club - probably more today since it'll be hotter.

An awkward update:
So, last night after I got off work, Reagan came over as agreed. We went to his friend Jay's house to grill and hang out. It was fun. Oddest thing happened. I got a text message from Derek. Yes. That Derek. The Ex-boyfriend Derek. Ya. He asked me to send him updates on the Flyers game. He was at a wedding and I guess there were no TV's where he was. Sucks to be him. Not only did he miss a crazy hockey game (even though the flyboys lost) but he also missed Roy Halladay throwing a perfect game! ha! How's that for karma.

I just thought it was weird. It's weird yes? Yes. Why me? He obviously assumed I'd be watching the game - and while I was - why me? Why not his brother? Why not his parents? Why not ANYONE ELSE THAT HE KNEW/KNOWS FROM THIS AREA? Reagan made the comment that maybe since he's moving out to Oregon, he wants to see if he has a chance with you. I was like - WHAT? That doesn't make any sense. But Reagan went on: "Well he's moving out to Oregon but he's coming home at some point this Summer for a bit. Maybe he's testing the see..." At which point he didn't finish his sentence, because he didn't need to.


I am not going down that road again. Plain and simple. Why is it that all my ex-boyfriends seemingly think that I'm the proverbial "go-to" person when shit gets tough? I know why - because I welcome it. Don't I? I tell them they can call me/contact me if they need's my own fault. I guess I just put it out there because I figure they move on like I do and won't contact me. Turns out - I'm wrong. Simon does it. Derek does it. Joe does it. Josh does it. TJ used to do it. Ben E does it.

Am I wrong? It's weird, no? But again, I suppose it's my fault for telling them we can be friends. There are only a few I'm not friends with. Well one really. Ben from last year. He's not worth it. And I don't need any more friends.

Anyway - now that that's off my mind. I'm off to spin class to burn off some of this beer I drank last night - then probably an extended run on the treadmill afterwards since I didn't work out yesterday. Fun fuN!

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