Saturday, May 15, 2010

Taking a Breather....

So before I get to my next adventure (and the one I'll have to write about after tonight's new adventure), I want to take a moment to reassess some of the things I'm changing in my life.

I started the journey of my Second Master's degree this time last year. About a month after I moved home, I started my first class. I can't believe a year has gone by already! Craziness. SO much has happened in this year. Good, Bad, and TERRIBLE. And I do mean Terrible. But nonetheless - I'm still walking/standing and on good terms with my body. That being said - here's a few changes I'm undertaking:

1. Originally I was signed up for 3 summer classes this year. This has since been changed. I am now only taking 1 summer class. My sanity, healthy, and social life will thank me at some point in July :-). I have to prep for two praxis exams and I have a job at a swim club that are both going to take a lot of my time. Plus - this gives me more free time to work (read:make money). YESSSSSS!

2. I am signing up for both the ING Rock n' Roll Half Marathon (formerly the Philly Distance Run) in September and the Philly Half Marathon in November. I know I felt as thought I never wanted to run again - but I think if I just approach it with a better attitude (read: not worry about how fast I go) - I'll enjoy it much more. Plus - I like running. I feel good when I do it.

3. As soon as my bike is back - I'm planning on riding outside. See #1 - yeah - I'll have more free time to ride too - YAY!

4. I'm hoping with more money making, to keep saving to move out of my mom's house. As nice as it's been to be rent free, I really miss not having my own place/space to come home to. I'm really ready to have my own stuff and decorate and leave the dishes in the sink if I want to.

5. Obviously the dating has been a big change for me - but I'm trying to keep my options open. I have a few more logs on the fire - none set in stone but we'll see. Wait till I get to the adventure about the guy from my English class :-) hehe!

6. I'm seriously thinking about doing P90X. Last week I was kind of like - bleh - but - I have a few friends that have the DVDS - maybe they'll let me burn them and then do the workouts?

7. I really want to start reading for pleasure again. I miss it. Hopefully I'll get to do that this summer now that I don't have so many classes to take.

8. I'm expecting some major refundage from my dropping two classes and waiting for the refund from Montco from the class I dropped earlier this year. This money will help with bill paying and other fun times ahead - read: travel! Yay :-)

9. I really need to start eating better - I'm thinking of going completely veggie for the summer. I mean - not even fish. That'll be hard because of how much I love sushi but I think it could be good for me.

10. I need to stop and take time and breathe every once in a while! DON'T FORGET TO DO THAT!

muah! until the next adventure:-)

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