Friday, November 30, 2012


I have writers block.

I was doing so well with my novel and I am currently at 38800 words.  I still have quite a bit left to write but I just can not find the words.  Maybe if I write here it'll help. 

I'm structuring the novel by months.  I am up to March of 2012.  I have to get to September of 2012.  So, 7 more months to write.  The challenge for NaNoWriMo is to get to 50K words.  I know I'll go over that.  That's fine.  I just want to finish it.  I knew, once I started getting busy, I might not finish it in a month.  I WILL finish it though.  I am going to give myself til the end of the year to accomplish it.  With doctors appointments and working and coaching, I just don't have the kind of free time I did at the beginning of the month.  It did help that we had off a few days for that hurricane......but I digress...

It hasn't been edited.  I suppose I'll leave January for that.  I've had quite a few people request to read it.  I have no problem with that at all - as long as they are all aware that it's not finished and hasn't been edited.  I started to reread some of it and realized I really do need to edit it...ha.  I've also been really eager to start writing short stories.  Maybe that'll be on my New Year's Resolution list.

Speaking of New Year's - who else can not believe it's December 1 tomorrow?  This girl, right here.  Where did 2012 go?  It's amazing how much can change over the course of a year.  I have to admit, I am slightly sad that I'll be spending this holiday alone.  And with the extra stress of money woes, awesomesauce is written in the cards. 

On the plus side, swim team is kicking butt and I am super pumped.  We have our first meet next Friday.  We also have a lot of amazing things to look forward to in the new year.  I've officially declined coaching lacrosse in the spring but there are so many great things on the horizon starting in January! 

If nothing changes (and I say that because my Montco teaching schedule might alter), my weeks will look like this:
Monday/Wednesday/Friday - Subbing
Monday/Wednesday Evenings - teaching at Montco
Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday Mornings - Teach Spinning
Tuesday Thursdays 10am-2pm - Work at Cabrini
Tuesday Evenings - Class at Cabrini
Thursday Evenings/Saturday Mornings - Coach at Baldwin**
Saturdays - Teach Lessons
Friday and Saturday evenings FREE
Sundays - Coach Meets*** (TBD)

Whew - did you get all that?

I just have to make sure I don't get sick.  Gotta take good care of myself.

Oh, when do I have free time?  Ha - good question.  I'm sure it'll happen.  I am looking forward to being busy though.  It's really what keeps me going. 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Gobble Gobble Goo and Gobble Gobble Gickle

I wish turkey only cost a nickel.....

Adam Sandler, Ladies and Gentlemen :-) 

So, a lot of people have been doing this "30 days of Thankful" Challenge.  I think it's commendable - I, have not done anything of the sorts.  Although, I suppose you can reference all of my quotes I put up which are essentially ways of showing gratitude to my friends and family each day.

Growing up, my family found ourselves at my grandparents house in Narberth every Thanksgiving.  My grandmom would cook her amazing green bean almondine and her carrots lyonnaise (basically butter, carrots and onions - it was seriously awesome) as well as her amazing mashed potatoes (doesn't everyone's grandmom make the best potatoes?).  The turkey would be cooking and the rest of the fixings would be prepared by either my mom or my Aunt Barbara.  The rest of us would be either watching football or bored out of our minds (read: me).  I didn't really start paying attention to sports until I was in high school/college.

What I remember about our family thanksgivings was that grandmom would cook and we would all eat the food in less than 15 minutes.  When you have a family (on your mother's side) with 8 children and then they invite their families/significant others - the food goes pretty quickly.  I remember one year when the Eagles were playing on Thanksgiving - 10 minutes tops - my grandmom was pissed!  Ha. 

Many of my acquaintances and some of my friends often ask me now, "What do you eat on Thanksgiving if you're a vegetarian?  How can you not eat Turkey?"  Truthfully, as I've told many people - I don't miss meat, at all.  Nowadays, we go over to my Mom's brother's house and my Aunt Patti makes me extra veggies as well as this amazing butternut squash soup that I typically fill up on because I love it so much.  Besides, Thanksgiving was never about food for me - it was always about being with family - at least it has become that in the last few years. 

As my family get's bigger and the cousins start growing up, we all spread out and aren't around as much.  It's nice to spend time with family that are actually here. 

Today, I will go over to my Aunt Patti and Uncle Matt's and see my cousin Nick, Uncle Ward, Aunt Barbara, Uncle Pete, my Aunt Patti's family and my Mom and Bruce will be there too.  It'll be a nice day. And what of my grandparents?  They no longer live at their original residence - a story I will share with you all at some point.  They will be at their retirement/nursing home facility today.  I will probably go visit them tomorrow.  But today, I will be thankful for the family I am surrounded with and those that are not blood related but I still consider family.

Happy Thanksgiving EVERYONE!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Turning over a new leaf...but just one..I don't want to do the whole yard

So....I'm pretty sure I re-injured my foot.  It was feeling GREAT yesterday and I went on a run.  I think my adrenaline was going way too quickly because I was holding 8:30/mi averages and around mile 3 my foot hurt.  BADLY.

I wanted to do yoga this morning but I am pretty sure it was just as well that I didn't.  I'll teach spin tonight because my shoes prevent me from moving my foot too much but I am annoyed to say the least.

Instead - I am only going to view it as a minor setback.  They happen.  I'm not going to get bummed the way I did the first time it happened.  Plus, I have so much to look forward to!


Can you tell I'm excited?

Also, I am finally making my way back down to O-town for a weekend in December.  The last 7 weeks of 2012 are jam packed - just the way I like it! 

Can anyone else believe that we are almost finished with 2012?  Where did the year go?  It's so true, the old adage 'a lot can change in a years time' or even 'time passes quicker as you get older'.  I don't know if it's going quicker but I'm definitely busier which makes time go quickly.

Additionally...part of the new leaf I am turning over is approaching things with a 'carpe diem' attitude.  No, I am not dying....I just realized that I held on to the sadness of Pete and I breaking up for too long and life is what it is.  If things happen with him, they do.  If not, they don't.  The circumstances in which I find my life in are not necessarily conducive to a relationship right now anyway.  I am just going to enjoy all of the experiences life sends my way.

Clearly the universe is telling me to slow back down (with the foot and all).  Fine.  One thing at a time.  It's a lesson I've had to learn the hard way indeed.

One of the next posts I put up will include a look back on 2012 and what I am hoping to accomplish in 2013.