Thursday, May 13, 2010

Adventures in Dating - Part 5

Before I get to part 5 - there were a few guys I started chatting with that I never actually ended up meeting up with. As I mentioned - I went away to Florida for a long weekend with friends and relaxation. I had been talking to a few other guys:

Ed: Very nice guy. A little younger than me. Loves the Phils just like me, but he wasn't exactly the kind of person I thought I would want to go out with - and I do feel bad I kind of left him hanging. He even contacted me a few times after I got back but I never responded. Oh well. He deserves a nice girl.

Jared: Another nice guy - but totally not my type. Older than me - but seemed a little inexperienced for me. Not that there's anything wrong with that but to be honest - I don't want to be teaching guys how to act around me or what they should be doing. We had quite a bit in common but again - I kind of lost touch with him after I left for Florida.

Adventures in Dating - Part 5: Justin
So Justin was another guy I met on the free site. I know - seems like a great place...but really they were kind of all sorts of duds. Justin fit right in there.

Date #1
I met Justin on a Wednesday night after work at school. We met at the Houlihan's near my house. He was late - because he was shopping at REI. Yeah. I was the one coming from work but he was the one that was late. Obviously, based on previous posts, this is a pet peeve of mine.

So he finally arrives and we start chatting - or so I thought. I ended up doing most of the talking. Of course - while I was talking (because he looked at me with a complete blank stare most often) I caught him looking me up and down a few times - all I could think was, "is he looking at me thinking, she doesn't look anything like her pictures?" or "she's not as skinny as I thought" - but then I was like - whatever - this guy isn't even talking to me - Seriously it was like pulling teeth to get him to talk - why do I care if he doesn't approve of what I look like? I don't.

So a few hours go by. We decide to get home - or rather I told him I should go because I had an 8 am class the next morning (which I did) and said I usually go to bed early (which I do). Thank goodness for 8am classes (who ever thought I'd say that!) Haha! So he pays - we start walking out - and he doesn't walk me to my car. Doesn't give me a hug. Nothing.

What have we learned previously about the expectations for myself - if nothing else - I do expect a guy to be chivalrous which includes holding doors, walking me to my car, offering to help me up, etc.

So let's review:
1. he was late
2. he didn't walk me to my car
3. was like a mute - yeah - it was that bad.

So I leave the date thinking it was horrible and that he didn't have a good time. I don't know - maybe he liked hearing me talk. I did date one guy that actually preferred that I talk all the time (he was shy). But that's not what I want.

So I get home and I go to bed thinking - no big deal - I met him - tried it out - not going anywhere.

The After "party"
So the next morning as I'm on my way to class - I get this text message - from Justin - Saying he had a great time and was really nice to meet me - that I should have a good time in Florida. I was not only surprised but like - really? You had a good time? I later told Trish about the date and she was like, "You should've texted him back 'You're Welcome, next time you should talk'" I laughed so hard :-)

So I figured I would just wait for him to contact me. That's pretty much my feeling when I don't really feel like I'm in to a guy. Besides, it's nice for a guy to work a little. So I get back from Florida and he actually did call me. I didn't pick up my phone. He left me a message. Turns out he was driving through this area and wanted to see if I would be up for grabbing dinner. How impromptu and unassuming that I might actually have other things going on in my life. I texted him back and apologized (the next day) and told him I was working to which he responded - I never even thought you might be busy. OBVIOUSLY!

Ha - and that was the tale of the Mute...I mean Justin.

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