Wednesday, October 24, 2012

So many things....

It's amazing what a little 'time' can do for you and your mood.....

Some things in no particular order:
1.  I started running again!!!  yay!  In fact, shortly after I finish this post I am heading out the door for possibly a 5 mile run!  I ran 4 on Monday and it was practically pain free.  Here's hoping I can do it again :-)  Feels so great!  Plus, I am enjoying it more.  I no longer run just to run.  It's an adventure!  I guess you realize after you can't do something for awhile to really appreciate it when it comes know? (how many times that can be applied to everything else!)

2.  I'm subbing more!  WOOT!  Which inevitably leaves me with a busier schedule but I've now added Lower Merion to that list which is fantastic since it's literally around the corner from me and I wanted to be there anyway.  I'm actually subbing at BCMS this afternoon and LMHS tomorrow all day.  Thursdays are killer days for me....but I digress....

3.  My schedule is now as follows:
Mondays - (sub possibly)/teach lessons at 3:30 and 4:00/ teach spin 6:30-7:30
Tuesdays - (sub possibly)/teach lessons at 3:30 and 4:00/coach or data entry at Baldwin (possibly)
Wednesdays - (sub possibly)/coach at Baldwin 4:30-8
Thursdays - (sub possibly)/teach at Montco 3:55-5:45
Fridays - (sub possibly)/teach spin 5:30-6:30
Saturdays - Teach Spin 7:15-8:15/Coach at Baldwin 8:30-11:30/Teach Lessons at 11:30,12,12:30,1, 1:30
Sundays - Possibly coach a meet or a day off

Did you catch all that?  That's my hustle....

4.  I made a......mistake?...decision?....a decision.  We'll go with a decision....this weekend.  It was entirely selfish...and honestly....I am pretty okay with it.  The only thing now is what I do with that decision.  Cryptic, I know.  But....for now, I'm going to focus on everything I just wrote about in #3.....and we'll go from there.

5.  SWIM SEASON STARTS SOON!!!!!!  YAYAYAYAYAYA!!!!!  I am so pumped!  November 16th!  The team is looking good! :-)  Truthfully, once the season starts, things will somewhat slow down a bit and get into a more regular schedule - sub during the day, coach in the afternoon, teach spin....and that's it.  Baldwin will be on hold until the Spring....with the exception of coaching the meets on the weekends.

6.  Personal relationships....friends or otherwise: Friends are staying the way they are- and by that I mean they are getting my full attention.  Beyond/otherwise: on hold indefinitely.  I realized this weekend with the 'decision' I made that I am not interested in dating anyone right now.  It's just TOO MUCH.  I realized that when I am dating someone I tend to put their needs in front of my own and I really am digging my refocus on myself and the things I really want out of I can find that balance....this is my life.  AND I'M SUPER PUMPED ABOUT IT!  :-) (and no, I'm not waiting for decision is entirely for me.....)

7.  Finally...a big one...part of the refocus on me....I've decided to take on the NaNoWriMo challenge and write a novel in the Month of November. is where you can find the information about the challenge.  My sister told me about it awhile ago and I really feel like I have something to write about.  It's something I've wanted to do for a LONG time.  What am I writing about?  You'll have to wait and see :-)  It'll essentially be quasi autobiographical because they say it's easier to write about what you 'know' and I seemingly know the most about my own experiences and life than other things (I like to think so, at least)'m currently brainstorming and planning out what I want to write and the order in which I want to write it....but I'm going to do it.  Basically in the free time that I'd be watching TV, I'll be writing :-).

That is all!  I'm off to run! Toodles my friends!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

It's only temporary....

It starts with a simple thought: I am going to run today.

The thought becomes a morning routine: Wake up, have some coffee, eat some breakfast (preferably two English Muffins with peanut butter and jelly on them), put on running gear, make sure the iPod is charged, and get moving.

As I head down the three flights of stairs to the outside world, I get myself pumped with the music I've already started playing on my iPod.  It's always easier to start running if the music is already going - I've told myself this, for whatever reason, for as long as I've been running.

'As long as I've been running' - that implies I've been doing it my whole life.  While in some way, shape or form I technically have been running in some way - I didn't take up the actual sport of running until I was living in Orlando.  It was 2007.  I remember because my first road race was in the Spring of 2008.

When I started, it was miserable.  I hated it.  Every minute of it.  It was annoying and hard and not fun.  Not fun at all.  But, I told myself - 21 days.  21 days is how long it takes to make something a habit.  Even though I wasn't running every day - I forced myself to run (off and on) for just over 21 days to see if it would really stick.  Despite still not really liking it - everything hurt - even my eyes - I stuck with it. 

My first race was a 10K.  Nope, I never do anything on a smaller scale.  And some might not think 6.2 miles is a lot - heck even I don't think. now, that it's that far - and I didn't think it was that much then either.....but it's where I wanted to start.  I was running the race with a friend.  My only goal was to beat her.  Ha!  How's that for motivation? :-)  After that, I signed up for a 15K and eventually my first Half Marathon.

At some point I'll get into my whole running history....but the real reason I bring it up is because it has been 26 days since I last ran.  26 days ago, I was mid-run and felt a complete burning and tearing sensation in my left foot.  After a few doctors visits and finally a visit to a foot specialist, I was told I had torn a tendon.  Yikes.  For the last 26 days I have been doing everything I possibly can to let it heal and get it back to where I can run again.  Those of you who know me know that running is my EVERYTHING.  It helped me cope with the anxiety and frustration of the breakup.  It's my me time.  It's basically become my Zen time.

Since then, I have been teaching spin, doing my own spin workouts, and taking a LOT of YOGA.  Yoga has really helped me cope and since the last two weeks of September were kind of where I felt like I hit rock bottom for the year.  But....things are getting better.

I am finally walking with minimal to no pain in my left foot.  I haven't attempted to run yet but have used the elliptical at the gym.  In fact, I am on my way to do so now.  I have another and hopefully final foot doctor appointment today (lord knows those aren't cheap) to get fitted for custom orthotics (yay! more money!)....but I suppose these are a necessary evil when it comes to getting back to running. 

Of course, I have been reading 'Born to Run' and just read a few chapters where it discusses not running with shoes and how that's actually better for you than with shoes....of course, I can't even imagine NOT using shoes at this point.  Maybe it'll be something I can build up to....

Regardless, the fact that I haven't been able to run in the last month has been so incredibly difficult for me - the patience that I was needing to learn/find has definitely been something I have somewhat attained.  I can't say it's been without a lot of tears and anger but I can definitely say that I have found a way to survive and exist without running.

Of course...I know it's only temporary :-).....

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Happiness Project

So, a few weeks ago I started reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.  The chapters are divided into Months.  I'm halfway through June which means I'm about halfway through the book.  It's been a really interesting read so far.  The book is basically about her journey to find MORE and GENUINE happiness that she felt she was missing in her life.  Basically, she's already happy she just wants to be happier.  

She addresses the fact that there are so many people out there that complain to her that she shouldn't be harping on the fact that she is already happy and wants to be happier when there are other people out there who are not as well off as she is......I could instantly relate to this concept.  So many times I feel as though people think I am being dramatic or whining when I talk about how I feel or what's going on in my life.

 Sure, I know things could be a lot worse.  Yes, I technically have a pretty good life.  But the thing is, I too want to be happier.  

 I am happy.  I really am.  No, things don't always go my way and some of the events that have happened in my life in the last four months weren't exactly what I would call awesomesauce but for the most part, I am grateful for the people who surround me in my life and what I have at my disposal.  I definitely am aware that life could be way worse and I do not take what I have for granted in any way.

 All that being said, I've decided I'm going to attempt to make the last quarter of 2012 the best part and end on a high note.  2011 ended on a high note, why can't I go for the repeat?  Especially since one of my best friends getting married kick started the awesomeness that is the final portion of 2012!  YAY! :-)

There is a whole section on Rubin's website about how you can start your own happiness project.  She's very goal oriented (like me), so it should be no problem for me to set some goals and achieve them.  Although I don't look for the "gold stars" she talks about wanting to receive, I know the rewards will come in time.  The first part says to 'Identify your aims' - Ask yourself these questions:

▪ What makes you feel good? What gives you joy, energy, fun?
I feel good when I exercise, eat right, don't over indulge (redundant?), help others, accomplish my "to-do" list (more-so cross things off because I just love making lists and crossing things off! really, I do).  I find joy when I am with my friends and family.  I find joy when I am traveling.  I have energy after I workout and eat well.  I have fun when I learn something new.  I also, believe it or not, have a blast when I coach/teach.

▪ What makes you feel bad? What brings you anger, guilt, boredom, dread?
I always feel bad when I eat things that are not good for me and I haven't worked out.  I feel bad when I have to cancel on friends because I stupidly spread myself too thin.  I also feel bad when I let others down.  I feel bad when I look for approval from someone (in particular) and don't get it.  I am angry with people who make me feel "less than".  I get bored doing nothing.  I dread not having things to do on a daily basis - which is why I fill up my days with a lot of random things.

▪ What makes you feel right? What values do you want your life to reflect?
I feel right when I have set goals and accomplished them.  Nothing makes me feel worse than knowing I have told someone I'd do something and then don't follow through. 
The values I want my life to reflect are integrity, honesty, love, caring, kindness and compassion/understanding.

▪ How can you build an atmosphere of growth—where you learn, explore, build, teach, help?
Try new things and surround myself with positive people.  Spend less time with those that belittle my ambitions or make me feel as though I can not do something.  Work hard to spend more time with the friends who truly love me and show more thoughtfulness when it comes to everything.

The next step is creating my own personal commandments.  In some way, shape, or form I have done this over the years - just writing down things "I will do" or things "I won't do".....those things are coming.....until next time...

Sunday, October 7, 2012


"....that's where I have to go, to see your beautiful face...."~Gavin DeGraw

But really, I had a dream wake me up this morning....and it was a panic attack kind of dream.

What I remember about it is intertwined with something that COULD totally take place in real life.  There are moments when I really believe our dreams are premonitions...otherwise, why would we have deja vu?  That feeling like what you're experiencing has happened know?

So anyway, back to my dream.....

In real life - one of my best childhood friends, Randy, got engaged back in May...and he and his fiancĂ© have begun planning their wedding for next Fall.  That's awesome.  I truly am happy for him and her.  She's great and she'll fit right into Aster Lane....

In my dream - we were having a neighborhood BBQ and everyone was gathered around the table talking about the wedding and Meredith (Randy's fiancĂ©) was talking about how she had 8 girls in her wedding party...and I could see Randy sitting across the table from her kind of making a face.  Now, you don't know Randy - but what you need to know is that he's a pretty fiscally practical person so he's not really one to want to spend a ton of money on one day - even if it is a wedding.  He originally wanted to elope in Vegas.  Of course, Meredith originally agreed to that and now, the wedding is one big extravaganza.  But again, I digress.....I could see him wincing each time she talked more and more about her wedding party....and as I saw his face wince more and more...I began to internalize it all....thinking about everyone else in my life who was married or just got married or got engaged or who has a significant other.....

That is when the panic attack kicked in.  It wasn't just a body had a physical reaction to it.  It woke me up.....that sadness of feeling as though I'm being left behind was there......

And then, I realized - that is not my life.  My life is busy.  My life is happy.  My life is full of fun and friendly people.  Things are finally starting to fall in to place for me....slightly....and I'm trying my best to go with it. 

I've put everything else on hold.....well....not everything else....relationships with men beyond friendship.  It's just not important to me right now....and to be honest....I really should figure out more of what I want in life than what I can give to someone else.  I know what I can give.  I know what those guys are missing out it's not my problem if they walk/walked's theirs. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Figuring "it" out

The "it" I'm trying to figure out....seems to be changing a lot these days.  Of course Constant Change IS the name of my guess it's par for the course.

Speaking of Golf terminology - did anyone catch the incredible collapse of the American Ryder Cup Team?  Yikes.  Talk about horrific.  I guess you can never count out those Euros!

But I digress......right now, I have many MANY options on my plate.  Maybe if I write it all down it'll help.

Scenario #1:
So while I've currently finished with my teaching certification, I do still have three more classes to finish in order to attain my Masters of Education from Cabrini.  There is an option for me to go back to work there as a Graduate Assistant in the Spring in which I could work there and take those last there classes for free (each semester I can take one class and the college will pay for it).  That would be a good option since right now, finding a teaching job looks relatively bleak.  It's not to say I am giving up - but rather - finishing what I started.

If I decide to do this - I can continue working as an adjunct college professor (there is actually another school I am going to apply to for a full time position) - and seek out other alternatives to the ultimate goal - the Doctorate.  (yep, I am a nerd through and through!)  Temple has one of the best programs I've seen and it's the one I've been looking at for awhile.  You see, although I'd love to teach high school - I knew a long time ago I truly wanted to be a college professor.  For a lot of reasons that will be left to another post.

Scenario #2:
I apply for college coaching jobs and move again.  I don't particularly want to do this - but I really do love to coach and it's the one thing that truly brings me unsurpassed happiness every day.  Of course, it could be different on a collegiate level - but I truly love to coach.

Scenario #3:
In which I continue with the 5 jobs I have (read: spin instructor, swim coach, lesson instructor, substitute teacher, adjunct faculty at a community college) and keep pushing to try and get a real teaching job.  Honestly, with the way the economy is going, I don't know how well that will work in my favor.  My friend Bethany has been subbing ever since she got out of college - in 2008 - and she's certified in Math! for those of you that keep saying they need Math and Science teachers - yes they do but probably not that badly if she can't even get a job.  You know?  But again, I digress. 

There are a few other options but #1 and #3 are basically my choices.  Of course - something else could come out of it.  Honestly - I'd really love to write.  I've always loved to write and I think I'd do a really good job.  The tricky part for me is staying focused.  I have some pretty good ORIGINAL ideas that have definitely not been tackled yet.  Maybe I'll give the November writing project a try - where you're supposed to write 60K words in the month - it's equivalent to a novel supposedly.

Anyway - for the time being - I am going to tackle one thing at a time and see where it takes me.  That's all I can do, right?  I need to figure it out.