Saturday, January 22, 2011

Confession Time!

Ok Ok - I've been gone for awhile (actually, just a week or so) but last week was crazy busy. I can tell when I have kids I will have no life whatsoever....thankgoodness that is not now....of course, I still have no life either so here's hoping that changes in a bit.

It seems like there is a trend amongst the blogs I read for confessions. I suppose I have a few of my own. A proper update will be coming tomorrow (since apparently that is when I have to do EVERYTHING Ive been putting off for the week - work, reading, etc). So, here goes:

1. I fear I will be alone for too long and by the time I do find someone, it will be too late for me to have kids.

2. For the longest time I told people my favorite color was is and always has been pink.

3. I am filling my life with things to keep me busy and keep my mind off of confession #1.

4. I can't stand it when people say something is too hard and they haven't even tried or attempted to do it.

5. I truly believe that the only place where success comes before work is the dictionary.

6. I want to win the lottery - haha - I guess that's not really a confession but moreso - I'd love to meet someone who's rich and get married...then solely work as a swim coach for the rest of my life :-) haha

7. I really don't like talking on the phone...unless it's with someone I don't talk to on a regular basis or haven't seen in a while. Otherwise, I'm perfectly content with texting, emailing, IMing, etc. I personally would really rather to talk someone in person - but understandably know I can't always do this.

8. I'm more content with staying in on a Saturday night and doing nothing versus going out and drinking.

9. I love school. I always have, always will. It's too bad I can't get a job as a student permanently haha.

10. I add a LOT of Splenda to my LOT. (yes, I know it's probably going to give me a disease some day...I don't's better than adding THAT MUCH SUGAR).

11. I don't feel a day over 18....ok, thats a body doesn't always recover as quickly as it used to...but I really don't feel old (because I'm not!) haha

Sunday, January 9, 2011

All I do is win....?

All I Do is win win win no matter what
got money on mind i can never get enough
and everytime I step up in the building
everybody hands go up
and they stay there
and they say yeah
and they stay there
Up down, up down
cause all I do is win win win
and if you goin’ in put your hands in the air..

That's my most current jam. Yep - I have a jam. No matter how bad of a mood I'm in - this song makes me feel awesome. Trust me - it's a pretty good song to get yourself pumped up with....

It kind of is a precursor to the weeks ahead too - we have 6 more regular meets this season - we're most likely going to win all of them - unless I mess something terribly up in our lineups. That being said, so far I've had one of my girls qualify for an individual race for Districts and our Medley Relay qualify for Districts too! Just trying to get a few more individual qualifications and hopefully we'll be all set. From there, who knows. Top 12 usually make it to States. Keep your fingers crossed!

Whew - this past week was a crazy one. Between the family drama, work, and 3 meets - I was sick all day yesterday (saturday). I'm actually amazed that I was able to get my voice back by today. Lots of shouting. Lots of hot to cold air temps (pool to outside)...lots of no sleep and lots of running around.

All that being said - here's a preview of the next few weeks and what my schedule looks like (I know you're all so interested):
Tomorrow - Gym, Cabrini 11-2, Coach 3-5, Class 7:15pm - 10pm
Tuesday - Gym, Cabrini 10-1, Meet 2-7? (away at Strath Haven), Coach Baldwin
Wednesday - Gym, Cabrini 11-2, Coach 3-5
Thursday - Morning Practice 5:30-7am, Gym, Cabrini 11-2, Coach 3-5, Baldwin 5:30-8
Friday - Gym, Coach 3-5, Baldwin 5:30-8
Saturday - Baldwin 8:30-11am, Gym
*I'm at Cabrini four days this week because I missed two days last week for my uncles funeral stuff - and they said they were really busy - so yeah. It's going to be a sucky week.

The following week:
Monday (1/17)- Coach 9a-12p, Gym
Tuesday - Gym, Cabrini 10-1, Meet 2-6:30(home vs. Penncrest), Coach Baldwin
Wednesday - Morning Practice 5:30am-7, Gym, Cabrini 11-2 (Montco Classes Start)
Thursday - Gym, Cabrini 11-2, Coach 3-5, Baldwin 5:30-8
Friday - Gym, Coach 3-5, Baldwin 5:30-8
Saturday - Busillo's Birthday Party

The following week:
Monday (1/24) - Gym, Coach 11:30-1:30, Class 7:15pm - 10pm
Tuesday - Gym, Cabrini 10-1, Meet 2-6:30 (home vs. Marple Newtown), Coach Baldwin
Wednesday - Cabrini 9-11, Coach 12-2
Thursday - Gym, Cabrini 11-2, Meet 2-6:30 (home vs Harriton), Coach Baldwin
Friday - Gym, Coach 11:30-1:30, Baldwin 5:30-8
Saturday - Baldwin 8:30-11am, Gym

The following week:
Monday (1/31) -Gym, Cabrini 11-2, Coach 3-5, Class 7:15pm - 10pm
Tuesday - Gym, Meet 2-7? (away at Garnet Valley), Coach Baldwin
Wednesday - Gym, Cabrini 11-2, Coach 3-5
Thursday - Gym, Cabrini 11-2, Coach 3-5
Friday - Gym, Coach 3-5, Baldwin 5:30-8

The following week:
Monday (2/7) - Gym, Cabrini 10-1, Meet 2-6:30 (home vs. Springfield/Senior Night)
Tuesday - Gym, Cabrini 11-2, Coach 3-5, Coach Baldwin 5:30-8
Wednesday - Gym, Silver Meet (warm ups 1:30, meet start at 2:30)
Thursday - Gym, Cabrini 11-2, Coach 3-5, Baldwin 5:30-8
Friday - Gym, Coach 3-5, Baldwin 5:30-8
Saturday - Baldwin 8:30-11am, Gym

And that takes me through the second week of February. The following week after that is Central League Champs. I know I'm missing a ton of stuff in between there - but it's amazing how busy my days are despite not having a full time job. I just wish i was making more money :-/

I'm still loving coaching! I'm excited for the next semester to start. The Montco class I'm taking is an online Shakespeare class (I'm super pumped! he's my fave!). The class I have on Mondays at Cabrini is an Introduction to the Study of Language Class. Should be pretty good. Lots going on. It's a good thing I like to be this OCD about being organized.

Anywho - that's all I got for now. Toodles!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Let's try this one again....

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” ~ Maria Robinson

Whew - well - hokay - I'm making a new ending for this day. I want to get a few things off my chest before I move on to what you've been waiting for....My 2K11 Resolutions and my elusive "30 in 30" list:-)

First - I'm getting very frustrated with my girls on my team. Yes. I love them. Yes. I still love coaching, but HOW DIFFICULT IS IT TO TELL ME YOU AREN'T COMING TO PRACTICE? I had 3 girls show up this afternoon - 3! School starts tomorrow - they're all back in town. I only had 4 email me to tell me they weren't coming. It's just plain inconsiderate. I called a mandatory meeting for them tomorrow AFTER practice. Ha.

Second - January is going to be crazy busy - but that's another post for another day. Probably tomorrow.

Alrighty - on to my 2K11 Resolutions:
1. Get a Student Teaching position at LMHS or in the LMSD.
2. Accomplish my "30 in 30" List (see below)
3. Get a summer managing job/coaching job.
4. Be better with guys and how I handle myself with them - let's be honest, I'm terrible in this department.
5. Learn to focus on the right things.

My "30 in 30" List:

1. Skydive

2. Bungee Jump

3. Travel Somewhere Alone

4. Run a Marathon

5. Get a Teaching Job

6. Learn to Play Guitar

7. Re-learn Spanish

8. Do a Triathlon

9. Become a regular Rock Climber

10. Learn to Canoe

11. Visit Cooperstown Baseball Hall of Fame

12. Go to Hawaii

13. Wine Tasting

14. Get my spin instructor’s certification

15. Volunteer with habitat for humanity.

16. Volunteer to help with a race (marathon/half marathon/etc)

17. Blog at least 5 times a week.

18. Complete an Open Water Race

19. Do P90X

20. Be more organic

21. Join a soccer league

22. Take a Hot-air Balloon Ride

23. Go Ziplining

24. Learn to shoot a gun/go to the gun range

25. See all four Phillies starting pitchers in a game.

26. Whitewater rafting

27. Read 1 book a month.

28. Get my dual citizenship

29. Learn how to make balloon animals

30. Plan a trip with my Zuzelo Cousins.

So....what do you think? doable? I like to think so. And since I've finished the list 6 months before I turn 30, I have a half of a year extra to do it.....

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Uncle Ace: January 2 1954 - January 1 2011

The angels are always near to those who are grieving, to whisper to them that their loved ones are safe in the hand of God. ~Quoted in The Angels' Little Instruction Book by Eileen Elias Freeman, 1994

(Edited to Accuracy - I started writing this last night).
We found out this morning that my Uncle Ace (Andrew), passed away. He was on a business trip in New York. Apparently he was in a meeting this morning and told his business partner he wasn't feeling well, so he went up to his hotel room to take a nap. He died in his sleep.

I don't often talk about my mom's family on this blog. One of the reasons is because I don't always feel super connected with them. Other times it's because I am not always in contact with them, despite living so close to them. For that, I am disappointed in myself.

My Uncle Ace was closest in age to my mom. In fact, she often reminds us that for a lot of her life she thought they were twins. Trust me. If you saw pictures, you'd see it. He was essentially the middle child of the 8 Zuzelo kids. Slightly eccentric but always hilarious and usually the source of the laughter at family get togethers. It was not uncommon for him and my grandfather, Z, to be on the outs and in the last few years, things were definitely strained. But. He was/is family. And today, despite the fact that Z is a jerk some times, he was reminded that Andrew was one of his children whom he loves very much. My family may be crazy but when we're suffering, we're all there no matter what.

As I mentioned two 'graphs up, I am disappointed in myself. My Uncle Ace lived just over in Norristown. Not even 5 miles away. And yet, I hardly saw him. Not that he was always around either - but as a whole - I didn't spend much time with him beyond my childhood. I'd say my sister probably has more memories with him than I do. The infamous stories of how she and him used to watch 'The Odd Couple' and he'd hold Kelly's arms while she danced to the music. The most memories I have of Uncle Ace involve knowing he loved to collect stamps (his AIM name was stampsnmor). I know he was a hilarious person. He pretty much was the funniest family member. Always cracking jokes at every family function. I can only bet that he's behind those pearly gates busting everyone's chops and making them laugh as though they've never laughed before.

I'll always miss you Uncle Ace. Forever in my memory, always in my heart.

(This picture was taken at one of our last "Family Reunion's", probably about three or four years ago. It's 7 of the 8 Zuzelo kids. He's the fourth one up the slide. They did the order according to Age - My Uncle Ward is the only one missing - he should be behind my Aunt Kim)