Friday, December 30, 2011

It's Now or Never....

If I don't write my end of the year post now and new year's resolutions...I'll never do it :-) Hence the title of the post.

As a precursor, I'm attempting to be less aggravated than I was last night for reasons that only my closest friends know. That being said, I will not be divulging that information in this post. It's (hopefully) fleeting) and a bit off topic to say the least.

Now....let me see if I can't dig up my 2011 Resolutions somewhere.......ah yes, the post was here. But for time's sake, these were my 2K11 resolutions:

1. Get a Student Teaching position at LMHS or in the LMSD.
2. Accomplish my "30 in 30" List (see below)
3. Get a summer managing job/coaching job.
4. Be better with guys and how I handle myself with them - let's be honest, I'm terrible in this department.
5. Learn to focus on the right things.

As I read over them...I realize that I definitely did 1 and 3. Number 2 is still a work in progress, but I do have 7 more months before I'm 31 so I have some time. I guess that'll get added to my 2K12 resolutions. Number 4. Well. I think I've definitely come a long way with this. This time last year I was definitely at a place in my life where I was being pulled along for a ride. SO much changed over the course of 2011. I could write an entirely separate post on the guys of 2011....but....I promised myself a few months ago that I wouldn't do too much of that. That kind of information is for phone conversations with my friends. Let's just say, it was a definite learning experience and a relative boost to my emotional well-being in some areas. That being said....

#5 - Learn to focus on the right things. I think this is the one I am the MOST proud of this year. While there is no concrete evidence per se, I know in my heart I've done this. And by focusing on the right things I mean, I literally worked my ass off in 2011. I ran a marathon (trust me, that was VERY tough), I got a student teaching job in the school and district I not only wanted to but HAD to, I made some new connections in and out of the education world. I also made a few new friends but one new friend in particular I am extremely grateful for - Heather! Yay! I've learned that hard work does not go unnoticed and that getting what you want is a matter of time.

The changes that have happened in 2011:
- Probably the biggest one is moving out of my mom's house. I moved the weekend of Labor day and the first weekend in my new apartment I got food poisoning. Ha. Happy House Warming to say the least! I am thankful for my friend Brian in helping me move otherwise it would've been a difficult task.
-I got more involved in my own things. Albeit there was a LOT of family dramz this year - like, major family dramz (and last year did not start out well with the death of my uncle) - I think I've still done a really good job in focusing on the right things. I still worry about my family and sister but I'm learning that it can't be the WHOLE focus of what's going on in my life.
-Physically, I'm probably in the best shape I've ever been in. Yes, I'm tired a lot but if you had my schedule you'd be tired too. I'm trying to eat more organic and be more responsible with my drinking. In fact, I think after the weekend of the 6/7th, I'll be taking a hiatus all together.

Things I've got on the horizon in 2012:
With the new year just a day and a half away, I have a lot of things to look forward to. One is obviously student teaching. While I'm excited, I'm pretty freaking scared too. Everyone tells me I'll be okay but I really am freaking out. I realize I have an "up" so to speak because I already coach so I know how to relate to the kids - but to be honest, I'm worried I'll just not be prepared. We all know how OCD I am when it comes to being prepared. I really am freaking out in my own mind. I hide it well, don't I?

I have the rest of swim season - which is speeding by so quickly - and then lacrosse to look forward to! I am so pumped for lax this year! I can't wait!

Continuing to live on my own and seek out new adventures. I think one of the best things that happened in the latter half of 2011 was moving out. THANKS PAUL FOR ENCOURAGING IT! I am hoping to continue balancing the money/socializing/personal time for the next five months. I'm also hoping to make some money while I'm not actually working (RICH??!?!? Help a girl out!).

For the next 5 or so months, my schedule(s) will look something like this:
Monday through Friday - Teach from 7-3PM, Coach 3-6PM, Workout 6-7:30PM, 10PM bed.
Weekends are probably going to be spent doing work and sleeping. I feel badly for anyone that thinks they'll get to see me a lot. I just need to get through May and I'm good to go.

Of course, in between now and then there are other things I have to do:
-RTF 5K/1Mile Walk - March 25th
-My Runs with Bethany
-Training for another Marathon
-Finish my 30 in 30.
-Plan for the RTF Golf Outing
-Kelly's 35th Birthday
-Plan my mom's 60th Birthday
-Joanne's 50th Birthday
......oh yeah and....stay afloat financially. To be honest, it's almost a blessing in disguise that I'll be so busy during the week - I won't be spending money. Ha.

So.....I've been dawdling enough....what are my 2K12 resolutions???

In the year 2012, I hope to:
Finish my 30 in 30. (starred things I finished)
1. Skydive
2. Bungee Jump
3. Travel Somewhere Alone
4. Run a Marathon ★
5. Get a Teaching Job
6. Learn to Play Guitar
7. Re-learn Spanish
8. Do a Triathlon
9. Become a regular Rock Climber
10. Learn to Canoe
11. Visit Cooperstown Baseball Hall of Fame
12. Go to Hawaii
13. Wine Tasting
14. Get my spin instructor’s certification
15. Volunteer with habitat for humanity.
16. Volunteer to help with a race (marathon/half marathon/etc)
17. Blog at least 5 times a week.
18. Complete an Open Water Race
19. Do P90X
20. Be more organic★
21. Join a soccer league ★
22. Take a Hot-air Balloon Ride
23. Go Ziplining
24. Learn to shoot a gun/go to the gun range
25. See all four Phillies starting pitchers in a game. ★
26. Whitewater rafting
27. Read 1 book a month. ★
28. Get my dual citizenship
29. Learn how to make balloon animals
30. Plan a trip with my Zuzelo Cousins.
Get a Real Teaching Job (I realize this is a 30 in 30 task but it's still an ongoing resolution)
Continue to practice patience and compassion.
Visit my friends more (Florida, Indianapolis, Ft. Wayne, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, etc)
Bridge the gaps in friendships that seem to have become larger than I would've liked.

I think that's enough for this year. My 30 in 30 will take me a while I might as well just stick to that. But I really do want to continue to remain patient and compassionate. Regardless of the personal and social aspects of my life that might change in the next year.

I was not expecting 2011 to come to a close in the way it is. My dad seems to think that I'm due for a really good year. I think he's right. For some reason, I think 2012 might be that year - but I don't want to count my chickens before they know? So in the mean time...I'm just going to take things one day at a time. I find that looking too far forward really does me a disservice because things can change in a moment.....

Here's to the new year! Wishing everyone a healthy and happy 2012!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

For the few of you who read this and are NOT celebrating Christmas today....Happy Hanukkah, Happy Festivus, Happy Kwanzaa...etc. And for you Jehova's Witness'.....well......nothing back at ya. :-)

I was chatting with my friend Rich this past week and he said prior to calling that he was looking at my blog to see what he needed to catch up on before he called....and then said that there was nothing posted on my blog for months. Ha! I owned up to that because I've been WAY too busy and in my free time I'm usually reading or here it is. Christmas morning. I'm the only one awake. I figured now is as good a time as any to do this. Expect at least 1 more post before the year is over. I mean, I do need to do my traditional new years resolutions and such :-).

But I digress.....on to the updates:
1. 2011 started out with SO much hope and possibility. The year has had it's ups and downs and for awhile I was SO ready to get off the rollercoaster but realized quickly that not all the bad things going on are truly bad. It's just a matter of perspective :-)

2. Since my last post - I've been getting a lot of things in order:
a. I finished my teaching classes and will now be teaching at Lower Merion High School starting January 18th as a student teacher for Mr. Rich Kressly. I realize this isn't entirely NEW news but it's still exciting nonetheless. It's also official. I think the last time I was writing about it I was SO nervous and had a lot of anxiety about it. Beyond student teaching, I have about three more classes for my second masters degree (READ: NERD). I've already been looking into PhD, yeah.....
b. The most wonderful time of the year started and is currently en medias res: SWIM SEASON!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYA! We all know how much love to coach and how amazingly happy swimming makes me. This year is no different. The girls are so awesome and we're a solid team! We're already three meets into the season - and this last one made me so proud to be their coach and made me feel like I'm actually doing a good job for once :-).
c. I ran a Marathon! (haha, way to bury the lead katie)....but for realsies, it was by far the hardest thing I think I've every (physically) done. I have friends who I've asked about having babies and how much pain that is. They say a marathon will pretty much beat you up more than having a kid. Sweet - so it's all downhill from here! I'm still debating whether I'll sign up for another one. The possibility of running the Dublin Marathon in October is being dangled in my face. I suppose it'll all depend on how much everything costs (plane ticket, etc). Oh yeah, I finished in just over 4 hours - 4:03 and change....
d. Kelly got her thyroid out (Thursday) and is recovering nicely. Yeah, I know - this isn't necessarily about me - but hey - it affects me and therein it's important so I talk about it :-). Let's hope this helps some of the other medical issues she's been having.
e. What else.............................................................well................................heheheheh. I started dating someone :-) Most of you are friends with me on facebook so you already know who it is but we'll just go with first names on here. I'll write more about the story of us "meeting" in another post but to put it succinctly: He's probably one of the nicest, kindest, sweetest, most caring, and thoughtful people I know in my life. Which only makes his handsomeness shine through even more. I feel as though he sometimes doesn't give himself enough credit when it comes to seeing how truly amazing of a person he is - but then he's a Cancer, like me, and I think that's a trait we all have :-) He makes me so incredibly happy. I can truly be myself around him without worrying whether he'll judge me for the things I said or do or the mistakes I make or how often I forget some of the small minor details that he knows I really know. I'm so excited to start 2012 with him and see what the new year has in store for us. :-)

What's coming up:
1. Student Teaching - as I mentioned earlier. I have three books to read and write out three unit plans for three different classes. I'm pumped but dreading it. The reading part is the easy part. I have to figure out how long the Co-op wants me to spend on each book.
2. Figuring out my workout regime - since I'll be in school by 7:15 every day, I'll need to decide if I'm going to work out early in the morning before school or after Swim?/Lax practices - which means I won't start working out til about 6:30 or so. That's honestly not too late - and might be better for me. I could also teach evening spin class if I did that.
3. The rest of swim season. A few good things about this season - I'm probably going to have a pretty big squad going to Districts this year - Districts is also on a Thursday and Friday this year - so that means I won't have to give up my saturday! Lots of organizing to do. I feel like this season is just going by in a blur!
4. Lacrosse season - starts the week after Swim Season is over. Yikes! No rest for the wicked. We'll be getting a new assistant coach this year because Gretchen now officially lives in Hawaii (damn her).

So anyway - I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season. That's all I got for this morning. I'm gonna see if I can't go catch some holiday movie on TV. Or just read (nerd).

Happy Chrismakwanzkkah!