Saturday, May 22, 2010

Adventures in Dating - How do I get rid of this one?

HA! Yes, that's an awful subject line and YES, I know it's mean. Some people are reading this saying, "You should be so luck that these guys want to keep going out with you" and others are saying, "here's how you do it...." The ones that are saying the ladder statement....TELL ME HOW!

Needless to say - I went out again with Aaron. This time I picked the place but there were a lot of factors going in to this situation. This week has been crazy busy for me. The fact that I even had time to go out with Dave was impressive enough. But Aaron was persistent and kept asking and kept asking. I finally gave in. Albeit - I am house/kid sitting this weekend so essentially I already knew I didn't really want to go out. Wait til you hear what I did :-) haha.

Date #4
I've said this before - Aaron is a nice guy. He's fun to hang out with. We have good conversations, etc. As of last night though - I found myself not really listening to what he was saying. Becoming less interested in his view points and seemingly aware of where I'd rather be (read: anywhere else but there. Awful right! I feel bad). So we met up around 9 at Kellys and had a few beers. [[Sidenote: prior to my arrival - I had to push back the time to meet him three times because I was picking up Gus from a school field trip. Aaron was being really patient. Also...when I originally parked I parked WAY too far away from the I walked a good portion and then turned around. It was a humid night so I was getting uncomfortable. But eventually I made my way to the bar..thankgoodness for beer!]] I got a Sam Adams Summer Ale - ZOMG I forgot how good they were! I'm totally buying a six pack when I get back to my house this week. DELICIOUS! But I digress.

Here's something you need to know prior to this date: When Gus and Will (the kids I'm watching for the weekend) found out I was going on a date, they gave the typical 13 year old response..."ooooooo Katie! Can we go?! Is he coming here? I wanna meet him!" etc. To which I obviously replied NO and NO and NO. Aaron did ask if I wanted to be picked up but I'm not ready for that (which is also something I'll get to in a bit). So I told Will and Gus to call me at 10PM (an hour after I planned on meeting Aaron) to tell me something was wrong at the house. Yup. I totally did that. Yup. It's totally wrong. They were all excited and whatnot.

Back to the date: So 10PM rolls around and I get a phone call from Will - Gus had fallen asleep. I knew that leaving the bar at that point was too early. Plus I was enjoying my beer. And yes, Aaron's company. But after I hung up with Will, I texted him and told him to call me in an hour - ha! And he did. Which gave me a chance to go home.

I have to admit. I am starting to feel bad about all of it. I know he likes me - that's nice to be liked. I do like spending time with him...but I just don't feel the chemistry and ya gotta have chemistry right?

As I was leaving he asked me what I was doing tomorrow/tonight? I said it depended on what the boys were doing because obviously they're my priority this weekend - to which he responded with, "Oh I could come over and hang out! It'd be fun! I'd help them harass you and whatnot....." Now, in my mind I'm thinking - He thinks we're at the point where I'm comfortable letting him come over and hang out. WE'RE NOT. Not only that but these are kids that are impressionable. I don't want them meeting someone that I barely know, let alone inviting them to their house. I don't think Barb (their mom) would appreciate it and honestly I was kind of caught off guard that he just kind of invited himself over. Ya. Maybe I'm thinking about this too hard but based on how I feel and knowing that I don't want to continue dating/seeing him - he was not/is not coming over.

I told him I'd let him know.

How do I let him down nicely? How do I tell him I'm just not feelin' it? I feel like that's something that's a face to face thing - but how do I do that? Usually I just don't hear back from the guy and I'm like , "whew, in the clear" - which I know, conversely when you really like the guy and he doesn't call back it's like, "oooookay this sucks". ya

So...any suggestions, comments, ideas....all are welcome. So long as their constructive!

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