Thursday, May 13, 2010

Adventures in Dating - Part 7

Now, just because I went on a great date with Aaron doesn't mean I was going to just be like - "ok that's it - I don't need to meet other people. In fact, just prior to my date that Thursday night, I went out for lunch that afternoon with someone else. James.

Adventures in Dating - Part 7:James
James was a little different than the other guys. Mainly because while I had spent a few weeks getting to know Aaron - James pretty much emailed me on Eharmony and was like - would you like to get together some time? And I was kind of enchanted with the forwardness but later I realized it was because he has limited time and don't necessarily have time to "lolligag" so to speak. So I accepted and we set a time to meet on Thursday afternoon at Bubble House .

Date #1
Traffic was horrible getting down there so I was a little late and he was waiting for me. YESSSSSS he wasn't late. He was cute and very nice. Seemed like a nice guy. We had lunch and talked and it was good conversation. He has a 2 1/2 year old daughter which is what makes his time limited. No big deal. I love kids - but my time is pretty limited too. And honestly I'm not at the point in my life where I'm ready to build my schedule around someone with a kid. That sounds horrible but...I just am not ready for that yet.

In the middle of the conversation he asked me what I was doing the next afternoon and over the weekend. I told him I couldn't meet up the next day because I had homework (which I did - two finals to study for) and that I was busy this weekend. But I did tell him to call me.

We parted ways after lunch and about an hour and a half. He hugged me and I walked to my car - alone. Whatevs. I didn't expect anything after that. But Bubble House was great - definitely would go there again.

So the next day he sent me a text - "happy friday katie" - to which I did not respond. What do you say to that besides the same thing back? nah. No dice.

And that was that. I haven't heard from him since. It's been a week. Honestly - it's totally okay. No sweat off my back. He's a nice enough guy but - I don't think we'd be that good together. But I did find a great place to go for lunch now :-)

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