Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Does anybody really know what time it is?....

I feel like this all the time lately. I have a few updates - both in the Dating Adventures and Life Adventures....Dating Adventures first...

I haven't heard from Aaron all week except for a few gchat IM's on Monday. I'm actually pretty fine with this. To be honest - it's almost better if we "lose touch" in the sense that I don't have to tell him "I'm Just Not That Into You" and give him the whole schpeil. You know what I'm talking about.

Dave texted me and called me yesterday, asking if I'd be interested in grabbing dinner again this Thursday. I told him, sure....but now I don't think I should even bother. I mean, I really think he's a great guy but I can already tell it's not gonna go farther than that. Honestly, I feel like that's the case with a lot of these guys.

I talked to a new guy last night, Chad. He seems nice too. He's a Yankees fan though, not sure about that one. But my week is SO busy and I'm working all weekend so we decided to try and get together some time next week.

Also - last week, a guy came into the GPS office at work. He was interviewing for a professor job. We got to chatting and turns out he works at the same school as my mom. Long story short, he asked her for my number! He's a cutie. Definitely kissable. And absolutely has all the qualifications I am looking for. Here's hoping he calls me! (fingers crossed!)

On to life adventures.....

Speaking of being SO busy - I seriously thought this week would be a little bit better. Less overwhelmed, second week into work and class. Not so. Turns out, this is all just the beginning! I'm kind of hoping that all of the chaos will die down after my class is over - which means I just have to put up with this lifestyle for four more weeks. yikes! I suppose in the grand scheme of things it's not THAT bad. I realized there are a few things that I really could go for on a nightly basis these days. They are as follows:
1. A really good back massage/rub - who couldn't go for one of these (I swear my shoulders are always in knots these days, definitely has to do with the stress).
2. A case of Sam Adam's Summer Ale and/or a HUGE BOTTLE of White Wine. Ya. I really could (every night).
3. A Pile of nachos and/or a huge giant plate of cheese bread from Couch Tomato. (hey, sue me, when I get stressed I like to drink and eat)[[Sidenote: I've also noticed I've been eating dessert EVERY night of the week. Clearly this is a temporary insanity mission. At least it's not a pound of chocolate each night. MUST GET BACK TO JUICING!]]
4. A HUGE hug in which someone will hold me for an extended period of time. I've realized that I haven't had one of these since my last breakdown with my father when I was crying my eyes out. Ya. Sometimes you just need a good squeeze.
5. In reference to 2 and 3 - good conversation which obviously means good company. One usually goes with the other.

I often find myself these days forgetting what the day of the week is, what time it is, and where I need to be next. I have SO much to get done before the 30th. I need to get all my student teaching stuff into Cabrini. I suppose I'll do that tomorrow morning with my homework. Just one more thing to add to the list!

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