Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It doesn't matter what I say....

So long as I sing with inflection
That makes you feel that Ill convey
Some inner truth of vast reflection
But Ive said nothing so far
And I can keep it up for as long as it takes
And it dont matter who you are
If Im doing my job then its your resolve that breaks

Because the hook brings you back
I aint tellin you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely

I always forget how simple those lyrics are. Simple. Just the way things should be. Right now - things appear to be simple. I am happy. Life is good. But. I can't help but think of some of the other things that have been on my mind.

Not really good or bad - just - things.

When I start to worry - I try my best to sit back and ask myself why I am worrying when generally there isn't a whole lot I can do in most of the situations and therefore some of the best action is no action at all.

Lately - I've been getting vibes from a few friends that I'm not really sure how to read. I don't know if it's because of something I've done or something that's going on in their life that they are hestitant to tell me about. I've been there - I'm there right now. I have a major thing on my mind that I haven only told a few people about. I haven't said much about it because I don't want to get my hopes up. And to be honest - I'm not entirely sure if it's the right course of action for me.

Now is really the time to make some major changes - if I'm going to make them. Ha. Who am I kidding - there is no time like the present for any change. But of course - we all know change can be difficult. I know I've learned to adapt to it. But at the same time, it's the first time I'm entirely comfortable in a place that I moved to on a whim. I guess some times good things do come from bad situations.

Lots of cryptic talk. Sigh. It's weird. I have these vivid and certain thoughts every night - but when it comes to actually writing it all down - I am at a loss for words.

Right now - I think a friend of mine is mad at me. I don't know how to approach her about it. I don't even think I know what I did wrong - but it doesn't mean she isn't mad at me. Being so far away from some of my closest friends makes it difficult some times. I'm usually pretty good with keeping in touch with them. Things have been super busy lately though. And to top it off - I am starting to worry there is something that is really wrong with me. Of course, I keep telling myself I am a happy and healthy human being! But that being said - my stomach problems are revisiting. I have a doctor's appt in a few weeks - I am hoping that they can fit me in earlier than like a month later for the colonoscopy because if the worst case scenario is true - I seriously don't know what I'm going to do.


I am day three into an 18 day work "week". I have no day's off until I fly home to Philly on the 13th of February. Yes, I'm flying on Friday the 13th. Whatevs. For as superstitious as I am about things - that day nor that number is really important to me.

I kind of feel bad that I can't hang out with my friends all that much - but them knowing me and the fact that I'm a freelancer, they know this time of year is super busy for me. I am, however, hoping to get in a yoga class or two with Pam (we're going to try it - we both figure it'll be good to try something new), and definitely a dinner or two with Nick or Jon. Haven't seen either of them since Jon's bday party.

Don't get me wrong - it's nice to be working and making bank this time of year - especially with the economy being so craptastic. Which kind of goes back to the major thing on my mind. I'll unveil it all in good time...but I guess I'm trying to do some major soul searching - and it feels like I'm all alone in that. Granted, what I choose to do with my life is entirely up to me - but it's nice to have friends to bounce things off of. I know - everyone gets busy. I get it. I'm guilty of it too - bleh. I'll be really disappointed if she is mad at me. :-/

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What's the deal..with my brain...why am I so obviously insane...

In a perfect situation
I let love down the drain.
There's the pitch, slow and straight.
All I have to do is swing
and I'm a hero, but I'm a zero.


Ok ok - so maybe not necessarily the second part of the verse - but give me a break - it's the song that's playing on my iPhone right now.

There have been quite a lot of things that have been happening in my brain though. Lots of thoughts and such. Let's start with the worst and get better - to end on a positive note! (how's that for positivity!)

The Ugly
~Un-nessescary yet some how unavoidable anxiety and sleepless nights. I couldn't sleep at all the first week I got back down to FL after the Holidays. Not sure if it was because I was getting used to where I was again or if I was anxious about some things. I know the anxiety was completely laden into my mind. It was driving me nuts. I couldn't shut my brain off. Ever have those nights? I know we all have. Mine seem to come and go in strings. When they happen - they seem to worry everyone else...and me too. But this last one - I knew it wouldn't last - so everyone that kept asking me (as they cocked their heads slightly with an empathetic face), "Are you ok Katie? You don't seem like yourself. I'm worried about you." All I could tell them was - , "Yeah, I know - me too. But. It won't last. It never does. I'm in a funk and it'll end at some point." And sure enough - it did!

~Every so often I get into those funks. Not sure where they come from. Some times they come from left field...but I think this last one was directly related to being home for so long - having to leave my family, friends and Ben. I was really confused as to what I wanted to do with my life. Of course, I have those "moments of crises" (as I like to call them), like every month:-) Ha. I love what I do. I really do. I'm good at being in TV. I have the drive for it. But I have so many other interests so I really want to pursue them. I have a few things in the mix which will hopefully come to fruition - but I'm not really talking about them until I have them secured.

The Bad:
~As I mentioned, anxiety seems to be getting the best of me more often than not. It's aggravating cause I used to have such a good handle on it. The last time I can remember having this much anxiety, I was in college. Then - it was understandable. Papers and tests and grades and activities to do well at. Pressure. But now - I'm like creating this falacy of anxiety and I don't know why. Is my life just not that interesting? The only thing I think I can do is find a new hobby. Working out used to help relieve a lot of the anxiety. Not so much anymore. So I'm thinking I need to start doing yoga. Just some down time for me to collect my thoughts - or not at all. The time for me to think about nothing. Although more and more my runs have been pretty theraputic. I just wish my joints would let me run every day!

The Good:
~So, earlier this month, Ben had a job interview with WCU - and unfortunately they went with someone else. (yes this is supposed to be the good - just wait for it!) But JUST yesterday, they called him back and offered him the job! So he will be starting a new jobby job on Monday! Yay!

~He is also coming down to visit me this weekend!!!!

~My Uncle Ace is in the clear and appears to be doing MUCH better. He looks like he's going to make it and he has a new resolve to take better care of himself. Thank God I don't have to attend my first family funeral. I am hoping that day is a WAYS off. Loss is so difficult.

~Work is keeping me busy - which is good - meaning - beau coup bucks! WOOT! Also - I'm doing better at keeping my finances in order. Which. I have to say. I'm pretty proud of myself. Not that I was ever that horrible at finally be able to save and to feel like I am doing the right things with my life. Yay. Also - I have a super busy Spring with work and Freelance gigs. Which is good:-)

~I missed church last weekend because of Cheerleading but I went the week before. It was pretty awesome. I remember how much I miss going. I'm hoping to try and get Ben to go with us this Sunday - but I don't know if he will. I haven't said anything to him about it yet - but I really would like for him to go.

~Did I mention Ben got a new job!?!?!?! And how proud of him I am:-)

Anywho - I'm off to try and work - today is a pretty easy day - and I've gotta get my butt to the gym. It's freakin' cold down here! It was 32 degrees this morning when I went out to my car! That's cold for Florida weather! BRRRRR!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

"You are not as fat as you imagine"

While this is true....I still feel pretty fat these days. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I didn't really eat very well and drank a lot more often than I normally do. Well, it was the holidays - and I'm sure it's not as bad as I think it is....I mean, all my clothes still fit - so it can't be that bad right?

I did measure my BMI on our Wii Fit tonight - which is where this "rant" came from. Now granted - I'm in the normal zone - I'm like JUST on the cusp of being overweight. Of course, it doesn't measure how much muscle I have(which I know is quite a bit), and therefore, isn't entirely accurate. I mean, we all know, if you try to measure BMI of super toned people, it says they're overweight because muscle is more compact than fat and yada yada know the rest. That being said...I'm aware that I'm not a body builder...and yes..I totally want to lose weight...I'm always trying to do that. But for the time being - all I can do is be healthy. I know the weight doesn't come off overnight..but there are things I know I can do to actually lose weight.

That being said - I do have some resolutions for myself this year...and like most people...losing a few pounds is one of them. In no particular order my fitness goals for 2009 are:

1. Get back on a regular lifting schedule - I kind of dropped off on my lifting in the spring last year - mainly because I was focusing so much on my running...and I just wanted to focus on that. Now, however, I am seeing the repercussions of me not lifting and its abysmal:-(

2. Run three to four times a week - which means only two or three days of spinning and one other day for another activity. I think the other activity will either be the stair mill at the gym - or possibly a spin session on my own time.

3. Start taking yoga/pilates. It's available at my gym. I don't know why I don't take advantage of it. I think it'll help with my core and balance and definitely make my back feel better after runs. I'd also like to be more flexible.

4. All the above being said, I'd like to drop one pant size or 10 lbs - whichever comes first. I've been told that dropping 10 lbs would be too much - but I beg to differ. Ha. Of course - since I don't weigh myself - this could be hard to judge - so I guess I'll be going by pant size:-)

5. I'd like to be able to go atleast four days in a row without missing a day of working out. I now know my body needs at least a day of rest every once in a while - despite knowing I get results from working out every day. However, as I get older, it takes my body longer to recover. So hopefully my workout weeks will look like this - run, spin, stairclimb, spin, run, spin, stairclimb, rest....etc.

6. The final fitness goal I'd like to accomplish is to run a marathon this year. I'm hoping to be able to do it for when it comes time to run the Philly Marathon. This year I ran the Half - so I'm hoping to run the full next November. I think it's a reasonable goal and one that I can handle.

Fitness goals aside - I do have eating goals. One of the things I wanted to do was to be all Organic by the time I'm 28. While I think it's would require a huge change in my spending habits and I don't think I am ready for that right now - so here's what I hope to accomplish this year:

1. Less carbs - more protein. Being that I'm vegetarian, I always struggle to find enough protein. Of course, carbs are my vice. But since I'm a runner, I need to eat more carbs than the average person - I just need to monitor how much I take in on days I'm not running.

2. Drink less alcohol. When I'm training - I usually don't drink that much. Maybe one glass of wine every friday - but that's about it. I am definitely cutting out beer.

3. No sodas or anything that has sodium in them. I recently read a memoir about a woman who lost lots of weight - and it was on a low sodium diet. I do notice how right after I eat things like chinese food or sushi, I am bloated and feel gross. While I'm not about to give up my once a week sushi - I'm definitely going to work on eating food with less sodium in them.

4. Be more prepared when I go on the road - have foods with me ahead of time. So often I go on the road and there isn't anything for me to eat because everything is so fat laden or has too much sodium or I just don't want it. I need to start bringing food with me so I don't have to worry about feeling crappy if I miss a day of working out.

I'm sure I'll have more fitness/health resolutions as the year goes on...but I think I'm going to start keeping track of my workouts too. I think it'll help me and make me not feel so badly on days where I decide to skip. Today for instance. I skipped working out. I'm always so hard on myself about this stuff. I know that I'm a good person despite how much I weigh...but I'd just like my outsides to match my insides...and that means being 10 pounds lighter and one size smaller.

No more people telling me I "wear my weight well". Bleh.

ETA: I am also going to start taking pictures of the foods I eat - this will help me be accountable of the food I put into my body. Obviously since it is now after dinner - I will be starting this tomorrow - but still - I think it's a good way to hold myself accountable for what I put into my tummy. Then I have no one to blame for lack of weightloss but myself.

Friday, January 2, 2009

2008 in Review

My Friend Brianne does this every year - so I figured now's the best time...considering it's a new year and I have several resolutions to accomplish this year. So, here goes:

1. What did you do in 2008 that you'd never done?
Traveled to: Vegas, Key West, All over Florida, New Smyrna Beach, New Orleans. Went to game 1 of The World Series, Watched the Phillies WIN the world series!!!! Earned the most amount of money I have ever in my adult life (so far). I ran 2 half marathons, 2 10Ks and 1 15K!

2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I am pretty sure I lost a bit of weight (I started running, which helped a lot). I also know that I definitely got my life more in order and have been saving money (which was one of my biggest goals last year). I am definitely making more for this year (an entry to come).

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Not close - but I do know that a few of my friends had babies this year:-)

4. Did anyone close to you die?
No, thankfully

5. What countries did you visit?
England.....and that's it.

6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
Less weight, more muscle tone....if these are the only complaints, I think I'm doing ok.

7. What date from 2008 will remained etched in your memory, and why?
February 22-24 - Visit to England:-)
April 12th - Key West and HWY 18 Wrap party at Sloppy Joes:-)
May 17th - Josh's Graduation party :-) hehe
July 11th - My birthday - and a great shooting day @ BBX - Bowling and Beer for my Bday:-)
August 31st - 1st Half Marathon in LA
Oct 22nd - 1st Game of World Series
Nov 19th - 1st time I met Ben:-)
Nov 23rd - Philadelphia 1/2 Marathon:-)
Nov 27th - Thanksgiving in NY
All of December:-)

8. What was your biggest achievement of 2008?
Being Happy with who I am and my accomplishments. Staying positive 95% of the time. Saving Money. Working hard and doing a good job at my job.

9. What was your biggest failure?
Not sticking to the workout regimine I had originally planned for myself...but that'll change this year:-)

10. Do you suffer illness or injury?
unless you count the colitis - nah

11. What was the best thing you bought?
trips home to philly...proper running shoes

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
The Philadelphia Phillies - 80-08!!!! Yeah baby:-)
My Sister - finally realizing it's time to do for herself and not for everyone else
My Mom - for being the supportive awesome mom she is

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
George W. Bush - no explanation necessary
Congress - for bailing out all those companies - and people wonder why things are so shitty

14. Where did most of your money go?
Taxes, Trips, Rent, Eating Out, Presents to friends:-)

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
The Office Return, The Wii, Spending time with family and friends on trips home, and of course.....Ben:-)

16: What song will always remind you of 2008?
4 Minutes to Save the World - Madonna/JT
I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
Chicken Fried - Zac Brown Band
Love Story - Taylor Swift
Our Song - Taylor Swift
All The Single Ladies - Beyonce

17. Compared to this time last year are you:
i. happier or sadder? Definitely Happier:-)
ii. thinner or fatter? slightly thinner
iii. richer or poorer? richer

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
slept - kept in better contact with friends

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Worried, Ate meals out

20. How did you spend Christmas?
Monday - Exchanged gifts with Ben, Xmas Eve - Dinner and Pressies with Dad and Jo, Xmas Day - went for a run, hung out with mom and kel and celebrated a Jewish Christmas by ordering Chinese:-)

21. Did you fall in love in 2008? you like him like him? or do you just like him???

I like him like him:-)

22. How many one night stands?

23. What was your favorite TV program?
The Office, 30 Rock, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Cash Cab, Anthony Bourdain - No Reservations, Bizzare Foods with Andrew Zimmern, Good Eats w/ Alton Brown

24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
Hate is a strong word....but am I no longer friends with someone that I used to be? yes....unfortunately

25. What was the best book you read?
I've read quite a few books so all of them

26. What was your greatest musical discovery?
They aren't necessarily new but: Taylor Swift, The New Pornographers, Paolo Nutini, Paramore, Saving Jane

27. What did you want and get?
Visits to a variety of places, The Phillies to win the World Series, a hot guy:-)

28. What did you want and not get?
A trip to Australia or Hawaii (soon though)

29. What was your favorite film of the year?
Wall-E, The Dark Knight

30. What did you do on your birthday and how old were you?
Worked BBX - Went Bowling with half of the crew - I turned 27

31. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably satisfying?
To run my half marathon in under 2 hours

32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
Comfy and casual but slightly sexy:-)

33. What kept you sane?
Working out - Running - this journal - my parents

34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Michael Phelps, John Krasinski

35. What political issue stirred you the most?
The economy

36. Who do you miss?
The friends I don't see often

37. Who was the best new person you met?

38. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008:
If you put positive energy out into the world - it will return to you - maybe not right away - but it will - and twofold!

39. What song lyrics sum up your year?
And its funny how it`s the simple things in life that mean the most
Not where you live, what you drive, or the price tag on your clothes
There`s no dollar sign on a piece of mind this I`ve come to know