Monday, July 26, 2010

Who cares if you disagree?

You are not me
Who made you king of anything?
So, you dare tell me who to be?
Who died and made you king of anything?

All my life I’ve tried to make everybody happy
While I just hurt and hide
Waiting for someone to tell me it’s my turn to decide
~Sara Bareilles

That is the latest and greatest song stuck in my head on a daily basis. I love it. So perfect. Well. It's great for those people who are trying to tell you how to run your life (in which case, I wish my mother would listen to it! ha)

Le Sigh.

The weekend has come and gone. The situation with the pool has cleared up. Thank the lord! Saturday was a BUSY day. My praxis was eh. Haha - I convinced the ladies at the testing center to let me go early (I was finished with 30 minutes to spare) because I had to get to PSC. They aren't supposed to let you go early but I worked my magic charm :-) Yup. I did. And I was released. I don't really know how I did. To be honest - I wasn't nervous. I just did it. And when it was over, I didn't think twice about it. So many other things were going through my head that day.

Rachel. Troy. B-Champs. The Pools. The surprise party. Fitting in time for everything. Needless to say, it was an exhausting week.....and thankfully I was off today to kind of regroup.

The weekend came and went....but today I went into PSC for a little and found a bit of a shock when I walked in and a bit of the repercussions from last week came barrelling back into my face. I think all is smoothed out now - but let's just say you do NOT want Frank to be mad at you. Ever. Hopefully it will be ok by tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

Went for a bike ride today with Ryan (one of my guards at PSC). He thought we were going to go for a leisurely bike ride. I was all about my normal routine. It's interesting. I didn't realize how good of shape I was in until I was back on my bike. I was trying to set a pace but then realized Ryan wasn't keeping up. Guess I'll go by myself from now on. We didn't do bad though. Just slow. 23 miles or so. I would've liked to have gotten in 40 today - but it was AMAZING to be back on my bike. I don't know why I haven't ridden in so long. So easy to remember how it felt. I love it. Either tomorrow or Wednesday morning I'll be riding. Since the humidity is slightly lower these days - it'll be easier to breathe.

Elsewhere - I'm currently at Cabrini. Ryan came in tonight. Remember, Ryan? Yeah. He came in for a few minutes to talk to Gary. Funny. I think he was nervous:-) He SHOULD BE! See what he's missing out on! It truly is his loss. He's still so cute though. Ah well. Whatever. :-) It was fun while it lasted......

So recently I've been thinking about this whole dating thing. I might try to start back up in the Fall. We'll see. I don't really want to force anything. I'm definitely not a fan of the online stuff. It's just not my cup of tea. I guess I just need to get out more.....or move back to Florida? haha.

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