Monday, July 19, 2010

"1, 2, 3...JAILBREAK!!!"

Haha! We (as in we I mean, most of the staff of PSC) played Manhunt last night. In case some of you aren't familiar with it, it's basically a revved up version of Hide
n' Go Seek....but like a thousand times better. We were split into teams.

Team One - aka Chris' Team:

Team Two - aka Mike's Team (also the team I was on):

I can't even begin to tell you how much fun I had last night. A few of us went swimming afterwards....but the actual manhunt part was really fun. Hopefully we play again. I hid with Ally Ramer. Both teams had 30 minutes to look for each team. We were some of the last people caught - we'll know better for next time though :-)

Ah....the health department comes to PSC today. I'm up extra early and about to head out that way...just wanted to update this as I knew I wouldn't be able to later today.

PSC til 3:30 - Cabrini at 4 - Erin's Hockey game (at Cabrini) - and I realized I'm supposed to go out to dinner with Betsy and Kym today (I'll have to cancel) :-( I hope they understand.

Ah well, just don't want to to do payroll!

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