Saturday, June 19, 2010

"Do yourself a favor....don't ever play poker"

Is what my boss/supervisor/mentor at Cabrini told me the other day. It was the same day that I did horribly on the second practice Praxis test. I don't hide my sadness very well it seems. Honestly, I think I do, but when it comes to people that I know will care, I don't. No one else, besides my friends, knew of the frustration I was having all week. Especially no one at work.

So here's what's happened since Wednesday:

Thursday I went for a run in the morning. It was hot! But I'm glad I ran outside. I went to work and learned that the Board Members at PSC want to change like - a lot of things that will create a very dangerous environment at the club. Needless to say, it's kind of up to me to save it. Ha. That's a post for a different time. After work I went to class - where I was all prepared to give my lecture presentation but some stupid woman just got up and changed the order of who was going to lecture in class. I was pretty pissed - especially since I had my presentation all set up from the get-go. Yeah. Not a happy camper after class. After that, I got home and walked into my house - chilled and decided to meet up with a few of my guards later that night at Scoogi's in Flourtown. Thursday nights is karaoke and/or trivia - we were all excited for trivia but because there were too many people there - it was just karaoke all night. But I sang! Haha my head guard and I sang an Eminem song (The Real Slim Shady of all songs...haha). I couldn't stop laughing. It was a fun night. The day ended much better than it had began.

Friday was a new day. I woke up - went to spin class. Went to work. Did some stuff and then decided it was just going to be a nothing doing day. When I get back on Sunday I will be extra motivated. I felt really good after spin class - and then a few hours later I felt really hung over - ha - I only had three beers! But - I went to coaching in the afternoon. The last for the year and there weren't many kids there - so it was fine. I got home and had dinner. Shortly thereafter I got a phone call from Paul! He was home! So I went over to his house for about a half hour - saw him - chatted - etc. His family is having a family reunion this weekend so I didn't stay long - but I just wanted to see him. I missed him! Besides, deciding to leave early was a good decision because I wanted to get a good night sleep before the Praxis today.

Here's the crazy part:

So I'm hanging out - on facebook - checking email - waiting to go to bed. And the doorbell to my house goes off. It's four of my guards from PSC. Yes. They showed up to my house. [[Backtrack a bit: Earlier in the day at work, they all found out I had never seen Mulan. So they felt it was their duty to come over and watch it with me. And that's just what we did. It was the most unusual and interesting situation I've ever been in. Oh, did I mention they were all guys?]] I was just as surprised as anyone would've been. I really didn't expect them to come here. I guess I know better from now on. Ha. Well, its a funny story to tell anyway. They were all so cute too - they dressed up thinking they were going to meet my mom and stepdad. haha - it was pretty funny. I don't know whether to be embarrassed or flattered that they wanted to come over and see me. Haha. It was one of those moments you know you'll never forget.

As for today - I'm just chillin' until 9 or so - then I'm going for a short run - shower - and review a bit of the Praxis stuff. I need to figure out exactly where I go for the test. It's in Conshy - I'm just not familiar with 100 W Maple street. So. Yeah. I'm going to take my test - and then I'm supposed to go to my cousin's graduation party - but I actually found out on Thursday that my final project for my Education class is due on Tuesday. So. Yeah. I have to do homework when I get home. Fun. And then I work tomorrow. Good times.

Anyway - fingers crossed for me! I'm going to need it!

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