Friday, August 13, 2010

Pinch Me....

It's the perfect time of day
To throw all your cares away
Put the sprinkler on the lawn
And run through with my gym shorts on.
Take a drink right from the hose
And change into some drier clothes
Climb the stairs up to my room
Sleep away the afternoon.~Barenaked Ladies


I think it's only appropriate that I start with a few BNL lyrics considering I'm going to see them tonight!!!! Radio City Music Hall! So pumped! We have 6th row seats :-) Hopefully they won't check my camera/video camera...I'd like to try and get a video of a few keep your fingers crossed for me.

After the concert we're planning on meeting up with a few people - Reagan included! Then Saturday Kelly and I are going to see American Idiot, the Green Day Musical. So excited for that too!

We're coming home Saturday evening...and Sunday I have all day to exercise (thank god, I've seriously slacked this week) but Sunday night we're going to see SIR PAUL MCCARTNEY!!!! 7th row. Yup. This weekend (it's safe to say) is pretty spectacular.

However, Y'all get an update on previous days......

PSC Guard Party - As Bethany says, If there can be Christmas in July, Why not Halloween in August? :-)

So yeah - it was fun. I also have a few videos which will not be uploaded but they're fun too.

Other highlights from the evening - After WaterPong we Tiedyed shirts - mine looks fab - then went swimming. I even went off the high dive! This is a feat for me, trust me on that one. After the party at PSC a few of us went elsewhere - it was fun. I had a good time with everyone. It's been an interesting summer to say the least. I'm not sure how many other things could top it :-)

Anywho - that's the latest and greatest with me. It rained most of yesterday so we closed the pool early - and I came home and pretty much did nothing. I was so tired (I suppose four hours of sleep will do that!)

Today is looking like the same as yesterday but I'm hoping to get a run in this morning since I haven't worked out since Tuesday. I need to start doing more long runs! Just over a month til the Half Marathon - but eh, whatevs. I'll be fine :-)

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