Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"Maybe This Time....

I'll be Lucky...."

So I started a new semester at Cabrini yesterday. I hate to say it - but as much as I love school and learning - I'm just not into school mode yet. Summer hasn't ended for me yet and our prof threw ALL this work at us. And by all this work I mean more work than I'm used to doing in a semester - of course - if you go based on what I had to do in previous classes/semesters you'd probably say, "katie, this is just the normal amount of work required from normal professors". Well you know what I have to say to that? HAHAHAHAHAHA I don't care. It's too much.

Here's what too much is:
1. Weekly Posts on WEBCT (which is Cabrini's answer to blackboard/online classroom) - that involve 2-3 paragraphs in response to our reading (usually 3 chapters) and THEN a 1-2 paragraph response to someone else's post.
2. A UNIT PLAN (thank god I already have this finished from a previous class) with 20+ lessons in it.
3. A presentation and research paper (5-7 pages) which isn't too bad because I suppose I can re-purpose one from a previous class as well but it's the pain that I have to go through to do it.
4. Class participation (not that this is a problem but ya know).

There are a few good things about the prof. She's HILARIOUS (even if she did go to penn state haha - kidding penn staters!). She knows her stuff. She seems pretty fair. She also seems like shes completely disorganized which is pretty endearing. Her attendance policy is that in which I can probably miss two classes - which is fantastic since I already know I'll be missing class on November 1 since I'll be making my journey back from Spain :-)

I also found out last night that had I known - I could've started student teaching in OCTOBER! But thinking about it, it's just as well I didn't do this. I wouldn't be able to see Paul in October. It would be hell with swimming and such. I'll just deal with the semester as it is - get through it - hopefully find a job during the day - and then do my thing in the spring.

'Lady Peaceful,' 'Lady Happy,'
That's what I long to be

Lately - I've been a bit down. I don't think it's THAT noticeable - but there are a few things going on with me. One of them is surely that I am depressed I am STILL living at home and there is nothing I can do about it.

Money is becoming an issue. My mom suggested I ask my Aunt Kim to help me out with my student teaching semester. Why? Well. Student teaching is 9 credits. My Graduate Assistantship only covers 3 credits....so I have to pay 6 more credits. I COULD do this...but...I will literally have no money left in my bank account if I do.....which only puts off moving out of the house for even longer. My sanity will not sustain this.

All the odds are in my favor
Something's bound to begin
It's got to happen, happen sometime
Maybe this time I'll win

All that being said - I do still have a positive/optimistic outlook on things. I do think things will work out for me. It'll just take longer than I wanted. Anyone that knows me knows I don't have a ton of patience for my own life. Ha. That's an understatement.

With summer winding down - I'll miss PSC and my guards - even though there have been a bunch of headaches this year. There have been some amazing memories that I'll cherish forever. So glad I never worked there as a high schooler - I think it would've ruined my experience with these young men and women this summer. I suppose one of the biggest reasons I'll miss them is because I don't feel so alone when I'm there. Even though some of them have boyfriends/girlfriends - most of them just do their own thing. Doesn't make me feel so pathetic.

"Maybe this time..."
What to expect for the fall:
-Last Cert class at Cabrini (see above)
-BSC Swimming/Shipley* Swimming
-Another PT job?
-Trip to Orlando!
-Trip to Spain!
-Trip to NC to visit Parker!
-ING Rock N' Roll Half Marathon!
-Philly Half Marathon?

I'm sure there's more - but most of that will keep me pretty busy.

Thinking good thoughts :-)

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