Wednesday, November 19, 2008

if I could tell the world just one would be, we're all okay...

I'll admit it - I look through gossip magazines. I look at the gossip online too. But I don't do it for the "gossip" persay - moreso because I am genuinely interested in people. I've always like getting to know new people....and so when I read those magazines about actors/actresses/etc...I often sit there and wonder - would I be friends with them? Because really - ANYONE can be an actor or an actress - or famous. I mean - there are thousands of people who became famous simply because of their friends or people they married. What was Anna Nicole Smith before she married that old man? And while that's the best example I can give you off the top of my head - I know there are plenty of other people out there that were once not famous and then magically became the spotlight of "hollywood"

Personally - I feel bad for them. I think it's sad that so many people (paparazzi) think it's so much more important to have a certain picture or look or whathaveyou. I'm sure there are plenty of celebrities that feed off the attention - who wouldn't? When you're given attention for a significant amount of time - you almost start to crave it all the time. It's why there are so many young girls that throw themselves at guys's why there are so many people out there that do the wrong things with the wrong motives.

In church this past Sunday - Reverend Alice was talking about how our society has things mixed up. We have the notion of - "Have. Do. Be.".....when it clearly is "Be. Do. Have." Because really - and we all know it's true - all the money in the world can't make you a complete person. What good are you to people if you can't "be" yourself, if you can't "be" who you truly are. And thereby continuing on to "do" for others as you would want done for you if you couldn't. Its the nature of being a compassionate person. And of course - finally - by opening yourself up to peace and happiness and helping - it's returned in which you "have".

I think too often people lose sight of the fact that you need to "be. do. have." I do some times I know - but I also realize there are some people that will never grasp this concept. That's ok. Honestly - I'm pretty simplistic. Yeah, I like "things" but - truthfully - if all I had was my friends and family - I'd be totally ok with that. Because they are what help to make me "be". They make me want to "do" for others. And because of that - I have some of the best friends and family anyone could ask for!

I can only hope that the celebrities have those moments too.

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