Sunday, November 9, 2008

Four Score and Seven Years Ago....

"Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."~Abraham Lincoln

If you can't guess already (as this is my second post in less than 4 hours) - church was really good today. It was REALLY good. We had an awesome speaker who talked about three main things...all of which are my goals this week.

1. Letting go of attachments.

2. Do Not Worry

3. Letting go of judgements.

The second one is one I know I DEFINITELY need to work on - and as is said - it's one of my three goals this week. The idea is that if you let go of these things, you will become open to good things...if you believe and open yourself up to good things happening - it will.

That being said - he also talked about looking back on your life and looking at your current life and thinking about all the things you are grateful for. Everything that you have and can say, I am blessed, I am good. I don't need to worry or judge or hold on to things that make it difficult for the good to get in.....because with the worry interferes with God's ability to send you good thoughts and love.

Also - if anyone who's reading this knows me - which I would assume you do cause there aren't too many people that know about this blog - I realize all this talk about god is abnormal for me. I've never really considered myself religious on account of the events that happened with my parents and the forcefulness of catholicism into my life growing up - but this new church is awesome - and I love that it's helping me become a better person:-)

Anyway - going back to my good thoughts - one of the ideas of thinking about the good things in my life was to write it all down - and what better place for it to be listed than here:-) So, here goes!

I Am Grateful For:
- My family
- My Health
- Intelligence
- Friends
- Being able to walk, talk, read, write, and listen
- The ability for people to turn to me for help
- Having the ability to help others
- Knowing that I am stronger than I actually think I do
- Music
- Pictures
- Memories
- Sunshine and Rainy Days
- Sports
- The ability to play sports
- Kindness
- Snow in winter time
- Airplanes that allow me to go home and visit friends and family
- The money that enables me to travel and pay for things
- My job and my abilities to do my job well

I am sure there are plenty more that I am grateful for - but right now - I'm glad my list looks the way it does:-)

Happy Thoughts, Let go of attachment, let go of judgement......DO NOT WORRY!

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