Monday, August 1, 2011

Thirty, Flirty and Thriving.....?

Anyone know which movie my subject/title is from? Anyone? Bueller? (not Ferris Bueller's Day Off)'s from '13 Going On 30'. Love that movie. Watched it the night before my 30th Bday Shindig. Pictures will be posted eventually.

My apologies for my disappearing act - July was a CRAZY month. The swim team engulfed my life - literally - and I nearly had a breakdown on several occasions. Thank goodness for Lacey and AnnMarie (my assistant coaches)! They definitely helped keep me sane and as a sounding board to let me know I wasn't imagining things with this one parent from hell. I swear to you all that is NOT an exaggeration. If you want full details I can relish you with them some other time. I'd like to keep this particular post on a positive end :-)

So ....the question the end of my subject. Because the jury's still out. Am I Thirty, Flirty and Thriving? For the most part, yes. Yes to 30. Yes to Flirty. And partially Yes to Thriving. I've been so busy the last month that I haven't really had any me time and although I took some time for my birthday and a friend's birthday - I haven't done anything. I haven't seen some of my closest friends in a while. I miss them. I'm hoping August will help me with that. I have TONS more time this month, although I find myself doing whatever I can to keep myself busy. Did I mention how bad I am at relaxing? :-)

Things to do this month:
-Spend time with friends!
-Work on the RTF 5K stuff
-Finish my summer class
-Get my 2nd USSwimming Cert
-Get Re-certified in CPR/First Aid
-Go to Phillies Games
-Organize a Renfrew Presentation at LMHS
-Teach more Spin Classes
-Find a way to make more money (haha, as always)
-Eventually Relax

Those are just a few things that have been building up on my list of things to accomplish this summer. I have to say, after the June and July I had, I don't know if I am going to want to coach again next summer. The kids were amazing but it was a single parent that ruined what was supposed to be an awesome summer. Amazing how ONE bad apple can spoil the whole bunch. We'll see. I need some time away from it before I make any solid decisions.

I hope to blog every day this month. I have a lot to talk about. I haven't really had a chance to voice anything about what's going on in my head or heart as of late. So, Painter, just for you...I'll be sharing an extraordinary amount of personal information in the next month - hold on to your butts! :-)

As for now - I'm off to the gym (the one thing I did manage to continue with during my crazy two months) to run. Side note - I started doing some P90X workouts - not as tough as I thought they'd be....I was/am slightly disappointed.

Hasta luego!