Saturday, July 9, 2011

More Tales from my 20's

So in two days I'll be the big 3-0! Woot! Last night was a good friend's birthday and I joined her and her friends down in the 'yunk for some drinks. She turned 25.

I remember 25. Not that long ago...but five years goes quickly! I remember being able to go out at 10PM til 2-3AM, then rallying the next morning to do it all over again the next night (which she did on Friday for last night). I also remember that being a very BRIEF moment in my life when I was able to do that....probably for about a week in grad school :-) haha!

As I looked around last night, I realized I've learned so much about my ability to drink and what my limits are. There was a time when I would go out and get SO drunk that I wouldn't remember parts of the night. Again, very brief period of time but still, it happened. It was an interesting experience. Was I drinking? You bet. Did I feel the need to get drunk? Not at all. It was her birthday and although I was offered several shots, I turned them down. There are a few reasons as to why, which I'll get into in a moment - but really - I was perfectly content with drinking my 2.5 beers, having some funny conversations, and randomly bumping into a co-worker/friend of my bestest Jacks, and meeting one of my mom's co-workers (hilariously all he could say was - "your mom always carries around that water jug of hers"...which is so true, if you know my mother).

Last night I realized how GLAD I am to be on the cusp of my 30's. While I was heading out at 9pm, I could've easily just changed into my pj's and gone to bed - but I'm still at the point where I can go out if I want. I was pretty tired though so the fact that I rallied to go out until 1 is impressive (at least, for me). I also realized - I'm going to be drinking ALL DAY on Sunday. Pacing is key (yes, I realize Sunday is two days away from Friday but I know me and my body's ability to recover and I KNEW I wanted to run today - soooooo - I was good. Plus, I drove. I learned my lesson back in I was good.

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