Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Just the way you are.....

Anyone like that Bruno Mars song? It's one of my favorite jams at the moment. Yes, I just said "jams" and no, I'm not apologizing for it. I work with high school/middle schoolers.....I have to have the lingo down! :-)

It got me to thinking....that song....stick with me here....Lately, I've definitely come more into my own. By this I mean I'm more confident in the person I am - Just the way I am. I don't make excuses for the things I like or dislike. I don't feel the need to justify to people why I want to do things or not do things. I'm liking this version of myself. Maybe it's the Katie that I always was, just took me awhile to find it. I think it takes all of your 20's to realize that.

Speaking of all of my 20's...I have been very lackadaisical about finishing my 30 in 30. Suggestions? Keep them coming....I need at least 12 more....

I was thinking the other day - as I was driving - how different November was compared to September (remember that month? It was a terrible one for me)....and yes, I skipped over October...that still wasn't the greatest month either. But November. November is by far the best of the Fall months (so far). Weird that we're on the cusp of December - TOMORROW! Can you believe it?! 2010 is almost over. I feel like I haven't even accomplished nearly half of the things I wanted to. Cest la vie, right? It happens. Life gets in the way...or as John Lennon said, "Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans."

Some updates before I head out for a nice SLOW run (outside, in the cold...eek!):
-I still heart it....I'm slowly getting the girls to come around to me. Granted, I have since allowed them to start practicing with their aquatic clubs - hopefully this'll change as the season progresses. You have no idea how difficulty it is for me to compromise on this. I know I shouldn't take it personally but I don't really feel as though in just a week and a half they've given me a chance. But, it is what it is....and maybe in a few weeks time they'll prefer to be at my practices instead of the others...
-It's forcing me to remain more vigilant in my organization. I'm generally pretty organized, but every so often I kind of let it fall by the way-side. I think this'll be good for me in the long run.
-Some of the girls (and the boys) are really receptive to my suggestions in and out of the pool. It's kind of nice....I don't know how else to describe that :-)

-Had my last class of the semester for Cabrini last night. I was a little displeased since I had to leave coaching early just to go to this class that ended up being about 30 mins. All we ended up doing was handing in a project. Bleh.
-Next semester I have class again on Mondays but it's at 7:15 which is great because then I won't have to worry about leaving practices early.
-I've managed to switch my GPS schedule so I'll be working during the day from 11-2 and then not have to worry about going back there or leaving practice early. This is awesome news! I start this schedule today.

-My mother has been on a rampage in the last few weeks. She's basically yelling at my sister and I like it's her job. And honestly, right now, it kind of is. She doesn't go back to school until January (OMG kill me now) and so shes bored. She doesn't have anything else going on in her life. I can understand it. I just think she should take her frustrations out on something else....I'm so tired of it. Kelly takes it much harder than I do....I just kind of hand it back to her in a rational way - which makes her realize shes overreacting to a lot of stuff and it's not really us she's mad at. Kelly just kind of gets upset and starts to cry. And I'm not gonna say it's easy to have your mom speak to you the way she does to either of us...but in reality, it's not personal. We just have to kind of realize it.
[[Sidenote: In fact - most of the times when people yell at each other, it's not always because they're mad at YOU, they're mad a the situation they're in. I can 100% say this is the case with my mom. Something else is bothering her and the fact that she has the time to think about everything makes it THAT much more difficult for her to get past the fact that in a year's time, pretty much everything she's yelling about won't matter. It's all about perspective.]]

-My goal is to find a job over the summer so I can finally earn enough money and move out - I don't want to still be there this time next year. I need my own place. Preferably somewhere around the mainline so my commute to LMHS, Baldwin and Cabrini isn't as bad. We'll see how that goes.

-yup, still don't have much. And with the holiday's coming up - I'm nervous about being able to buy things for my family. That's all I'm going to say about that.


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