Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Do what you can with what you have, where you are....

Whew! Wasn't I supposed to update just a day or two after my last post? Hah - sorry! Things got kind of hectic around here - and it doesn't seem like they're going to slow down one bit...a good and bad thing.

The Good:
It's keeping me out of my house.
I'm making money and saving it.
I'm staying sane.

The Bad:
Lack of social life and seeing my friends.
I'm tired by the time the weekend comes which effects the previous statement.

So what exactly have I been up to? Well I won't bore you with the details but for the most part it's been:
Work at Cabrini
Doing homework for school
Reading for school

The first real break I had was this past Saturday and you know what I did? I sat on my mom's recliner and watched College Basketball ALL DAY! 'Twas glorious and I didn't feel guilty in the least. Ok, ok...I did do some homework in between games and I did go to the gym for a run.

Speaking of running - I was actually going to run outside this morning and then I checked the temperature....12! Yikes! Yeah - I guess I'll be going to the gym again. I just want to run outside again so badly! The streets are mostly clear of snow now so I figured it'd be a good day but 12 is too cold. Maybe I should've just gone and not looked at the temps. Ah well...Hindsight is 20/20, right? But I definitely need to run outside at least once before the 19th! I'm running the Frostbite Five Miler! And yes those are penguins! Bethany convinced me to run it. It's my first race of 2011! Plenty more to come after that:
March - Phillies 5K
May - Broad Street and ODDessey Half Marathon
June - Possibly the KOP 10 Miler and Philly Tri (Olympic)
September - Rock n' Roll Half
October - Hershey Half Marathon!
November - Philly Marathon (eek!)

I'm sure there will be other shorter races thrown in there somewhere/somehow! I'm also trying to do more cross training this year to prevent injury. I've been spinning more and am going to start working out with a group on Tuesday and Thursday Mornings to keep things interesting. As of right now I'm averaging about 23-27 miles a week - a definite increase since last year. Although this week I've only run 4 miles so far! Ha :-) Hopefully I'll get 8 in today - 6 tomorrow and 6 or 7 in on Saturday with a few junk miles on Friday.

The regular swim season is over (tear) but today is actually the Silver Meet (kind of like B champs) and Presidents Day weekend is Central League Champs. March 3rd and 4th is Districts at La Salle! Yeah baby! My alma mater! And then States (which I don't think any of my girls will qualify for) is March 18th and 19th (but I'm still going anyway!). I was actually asked to help coach Lacrosse at LMHS this spring. We'll see if I get that job. The money would be great! If not, I'll just work at Baldwin 5 days a week.

I have some feelers out there for a summer job. Please think good thoughts for me. If I get it I'd be coaching and managing a pool. Which would mean I can move out! I've been looking at some apartments near Havertown and the Main Line. It'd be such a quicker commute for all of my things - Cabrini, Baldwin, LMHS Swim/Lax - and I'd be able to walk a lot of places and save on gas. Here's hoping!

Oh! I almost forgot - I am auditioning to teach spinning this week (my first class would be Sunday the 20th at 8:15AM at the LAF Collegeville - a little far but won't be much traffic on Sunday mornings). Yay for another way of making money and staying fit! Here's hoping I can start doing those on a more regular basis. No it's not a ton of money but I've missed teaching those classes and making spinning mixes. I think they're going to like my first class music list!

As for other things - I've been out of my house for most of the days in the last few weeks or so - with the exception of the snow days we've had (ugh, I'm so over winter!) - I like always having something to do. I feel badly that I'm slacking in some areas of my life over others but I guess that's what happens. There's only so much I can do - unless the days were made to be 36 hours instead of 24 and the weekends were 5 days instead of two - then I'd get everything done!

Until the next time...which I won't promise will be tomorrow....adieu my lovelies

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