Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 2

Day 02 - A picture of you and the friend you have been closest with the longest.

Without a doubt - Jackie, Jack's, Jackster, Bestest - has been my friend that I've been closest too for the longest. Since Junior year in HS. Whew! 14 years! Love you chica :-)

A real post? What's that you ask? A real one? be honest there isn't much going on in my life right now other than work, work, and work.

A typical day for me is:
Gym 7:30-9ish
Work @ Cabrini 10:30-2ish
Coach 3-5
Coach 5-8 or Class 7-10 or Meetings (foundation or otherwise).

My weekends generally consist of catching up on homework. Of course, this weekend will be interesting since Friday and Saturday evenings we have Central League Champs. I'm running a 5 miler Saturday morning and teaching a spin class on Sunday morning at 8am. Yep. I am officially a spin instructor!

Today the girls have an early dismissal so we're having practice from 1-3 and then hopefully I'll be able to take them to get pizza afterwards but I have to coach at 5:30 so we'll see how that works out. I'm also supposed to go out with a friend from Cabrini after coaching but I might have to postpone it.

Also - I watched the Grammy's the other night and discovered Mumford and Sons (did anyone see their performance with Bob Dylan? No? You're missing out). I know, I know, I'm probably late on this...but I just downloaded their first album. I'm really digging The Cave and Little Lion Man. I'd love to know what y'all think!

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