Friday, December 31, 2010

All's well that ends well......?

Did you know that's a William Shakespeare quote? One of the most commonly used phrases, and I bet you didn't realize that was good ole Billy. Well now you know :-)

It's only appropriate that I use that as the title to this entry since it is currently 5:30 on December 31st of 2010. Yep. It's New Years Eve. WOOT. And I say that in all seriousness. I'm pretty done with this year so thankgoodness it's over in a few short hours. That's not to say that there hasn't been some awesome times this year. I mean....I definitely have some memorable moments (read: all of the summer). But, overall, I'd say that 2010 would not rank up there with one of the best years of my life. Which is okay - you know why? Because I'm on the cusp of starting my 30th year of life - which means, based on the way the life spans of women are lengthening - I've got a good 70 more years to have plenty of good ones :) (see what I did there?)

But I thought it'd be fun to look at what I had down for my 2K10 resolutions and see if I accomplished them.....and yes, I have some for 2K11 - and a nice post to come - but that's not what I'm doing further adieu...

2K10 Resolutions
1. Visit friends more/Be better at Keeping in Touch
I do believe I got better at keeping in touch. I visited Florida a few times this year. I reconnected with a friend from Albright that I hadn't talked to in nearly 7 years....I'd say I did above average in this department. Grade: B-

2. Take a big trip to Europe
We all know this didn't happen. I was supposed to go visit Paul in October and due to some complications - it didn't happen. HOWEVER, I do have plans for an April visit :-) YAY! Current Grade: BIG FAT F - soon to be A.

3. Finish Grad School
Turns out this wasn't so easy. Money was tight this year and since I got a new job, it took up more of my time. I did, however, set my sights on a finish line and when I'll be student teaching. Grade: B

4. Get a head coaching job
We all know this is my BIGGEST accomplishment of the year :-) YAY! I love my girls at LMHS. I'm so grateful for this job and can't wait to continue it for MANY years to come. Grade: A+

5. Read more often
I have read quite a bit, unfortunately I didn't keep track of how much I actually read. I think this year I'll actually keep a tally. Grade: B-

6. Help/Volunteer/Donate my time more
Yeaaaaa, with the exception of RTF stuff....didn't have a ton of time for this...but I would say that a lot of my extra effort was put into the time I spent at PSC this summer. Still a goal of mine for 2011. Grade: C

7. Make RTF Golf Outing awesome!
And it was! It was EXTREMELY successful! Looking forward to another one this year. Grade: A

8. Write more
Complete fail. Grade: F. Just don't have time.

(Exercise goals)
1. Eat Clean - Better but not good - Grade: D
2. Eliminate Sugar - hahaha - who am I kidding? - Never going to happen. Grade: F
3. Run a Marathon - Not this year, but on the list for 2011 and another list which I'll unveil soon.
4. Get Six Pack Abs (haha) - not. even. close. Grade: F
5. Get my Spinning Certification - see other list.
6. Get my training Certification - see other list.
7. Work with a trainer - fail.
8. Ride with a Team - Didn't do this BUT am working on this for 2011. Have a few leads.

So - Idk. I'm not disappointed because honestly, the biggest thing I wanted this year was a head coaching job and I GOT IT! So, I'd say I'm pretty happy.

I did accomplish a lot of personal records. I broke 2 hours in my half marathons and and I continue to better my time each race. I'm trying to de-clutter my life. I'm also trying to get better at dealing with guys. Still not super good with that. Eh, I'm a work in progress....right? Aren't we all....

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