Wednesday, April 27, 2011

All that hard work, and this is what I get?

To say the least, I'm a bit frustrated these days. I work so hard to look nice - to stay healthy - to be happy with my appearance and all it takes is one....ONE picture to prove to me that I don't look the way I thought I did.

Now, granted - the picture was taken after a long day and a two hour game and I was sweaty and gross and ew....but seriously? Why can't I just take normal pictures - especially the ones that count?

A little back-story - one of the parents of an LM swimmer is trying to create a little love match between myself and another coach (those of you that are familiar with the coach story, you know who I'm talking about). And although my focus has since shifted - it's sweet of her to think of me and try to offer some guidance. She obviously sees what everyone else does - that there is something there (even if it's pointless to pursue it). So yesterday, after our 22-6 defeat, we got back to the school a little early and I knew there was a track meet - so I headed up there to see if I could catch the last race. Unfortunately the meet was over but I ran into this parent and as usual, we started chatting. She's pretty awesome so it's hard to not say hi. Of course, we ended up talking for nearly an hour (again) and this other coach wanders by and stops to say hello. So this parent thinks of this brilliant idea to take a picture of the two of us, saying, "can I have a picture of Duranya's two coaches? puhhhhlease?!" So of course, how can you turn that down? - I knew it would be terrible - I knew it! I didn't even want to ask to see it afterwards. So I just put it out of my mind. Of course she sent it to me last night and I got it this morning. Ugh. I just look - well - the way I described a paragraph up...I look bloated and fat and gross. Not that he looks that good in it either. But really? Bleh.

I know I shouldn't let this get to me because one picture does not represent how I truly look - but I have no pictures with this guy - and of all the first opportunities to have one with him - and possibly the only opportunity to have one - THIS is the one I get? meh. I suppose I should just forget about it anyway - who else is going to see it besides me, the parent and probably my swimmer - oh and probably him.....

I'm just having a pity party day. Maybe a run will help

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