Monday, May 26, 2008

I got my sights set on you and I'm ready to aim....

(is it weird that almost every post are either music lyrics or in reference to music?...maybe it's a sign....start playing again....hrmmm)

So this weekend I headed up to New Smyrna Beach - awesome AWESOME time! I got a little toasty - in more than one way haha. The sun burn actually does hurt more today than it did yesterday but whatevs...I'm going to Key West next weekend, I need a base, right? (omg I'm so getting skin cancer) So it was a nice relaxing weekend - didn't do much. Got there Saturday morning - layed out in the sun (see picture below of our view from the house)- went in the water - drank some boat drinks - etc. We went to Breakers for a late lunch and then headed back to the house.

I didn't bring my computer - despite the house having wifi. I just needed a few days without the internets and without any kind of distractions. I read, I talked, I chilled, and I definitely relaxed. It gave me time to think about a lot of things - of which I've been doing a lot of lately. I finished up a book called "Better Single Than Sorry" - by the girl who was on the Bachelor and Bachelorette - Jen Scheft. It was and is quite good. It's basically about how it's OK to be single and how you shouldn't settle just because you think its the right thing to do. I highly recommend all single women to read it. One of the things that caught my attention in it was a part where she mentioned that every woman should have a list of things she needs from a man. And in a separate column, what she wants from a man. This is different obviously because we can't always get what we want but we can demand to get what we need since we deserve it:-)'s mine:

What I What from a Man:
-Humor/for him to be funny
-Have a good job where he makes lots of money
-Good Dresser
-Good w/money
-Good w/kids
-Likes animals
-Likes to exercise/do recreational activities
-Understands my family and their quirks
-Likes my friends
-Makes good money
-He has a passport or willing to travel (although this is more of a need)

What I NEED from a Man:

-Supports me in all aspects of my life
-Communicates w/me
-Intelligent/Common Sense
-Thoughtful and caring
-Takes care of His-self (body, mental, etc.)
-Health Conscious
-Independent but is complimentary to me
-Motivation (in his life and is a motivator)
-Understands me and my quirks
-Has a job
-Treats me with respect
-Puts me first the way I would for him.
-Spends time with me willingly - not when I have to ask him to.
-He's my best friend.

Of course - as we get older, the list is and should change since we change in what we want and expect for ourselves. I don't think any of these things are unreasonable - infact, I think they are pretty common amongst most women.

Anyway - I've just been doing a lot of thinking about it....that's all.

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