Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year - A New Perspective?

So often we find ourselves ringing in the new year telling ourselves, "This year will be different. This year I'm really going to do the things I set for myself as goals." Usually it's like that or something along those lines.

Here's the truth. I do this EVERY year. Sometimes, I accomplish them. More often than not, though.....I don't.

I'm starting over this year. I know I know. Everyone says that. It's January 1. Of course you're starting over. But you know, I really am.

This blog has always served a purpose for myself to basically whine to "no one" about the things going on in my life. I say "no one" even though I know a few of my friends read this on occasion. But my friends already know these things about me. That's why they're my friends.

From this point forward, I'm using this space to talk about the crazy things my mother does while I'm here at home (thank god it'll only be for a short period of time...a special post about living with your mother is yet to come!). It'll be about the choices I decide to make while I'm struggling to figure out what it is I want exactly in my life. It'll be about my constant desire to want to be healthy (read: skinny) and my struggle to know that I'll never be a super model nor will I ever look like one. Basically, It'll be about me - but in a less whiny manner.

I hope to amuse (first and foremost) and of course reflect on my life. I've been through a lot in the 28 years I've lived on this place we call Earth, but my goodness do I still feel like I have SO much to learn.

Shall I start with my supposed 2K10 RESOLUTIONS? (k, but don't hold your breadth...let's just say, if I can accomplish 1/3 of this list, I'll totally be thrilled)

1. Visit friends more/Be better at Keeping in Touch
2. Take a big trip to Europe
3. Finish Grad School
4. Get a head coaching job
5. Read more often
6. Help/Volunteer/Donate my time more
7. Make RTF Golf Outing awesome!
8. Write more
(Exercise goals)
1. Eat Clean
2. Eliminate Sugar
3. Run a Marathon
4. Get Six Pack Abs (haha)
5. Get my Spinning Certification
6. Get my training Certification
7. Work with a trainer
8. Ride with a Team

So I guess that's about it for now. There are more - but the "more" is really just on my Bucket List of life.

I think I can do almost all of these things this year. We'll see next January 1.

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