Sunday, June 29, 2008

It keeps you running....yeah it keeps you running....

Lately I've been really in to running - I'm not sure if it's just because I really enjoy the solitude or if I know in the back of my head that I am running a half marathon in about two months with the hopes of doing a full just a few months after that. All this being said - I was reading a blog from Hot Thick Chick and she did a meme about running so I thought I'd humor myself and whomever reads this (which is like - two people)...and do goes

1. How would you describe your running 10 years ago?

10 years ago - actually - I was a senior in high school - and honestly - that year, I started running - to lose weight and stay in shape when swimming was over. I always swore to myself that I would never run - I HATED running - I mean, despised it. Which is kind of ironic because I played sports in which I had to run - field hockey, lacrosse, soccer - I guess things change over time. But 10 years ago - I would run every other day after school was over and swim season was over - about 6 miles - and I distinctly remember running to ESPN Jock Jams over and OVER .....ah, memories

2. What is your best and worst run/race experience?

I haven't really had a bad race experience YET...but so far my best race experience was the 15k I ran at disney in May - I did pretty well - 1:24:45 (about 9 mins) I'm hoping to get a little faster for my half marathon and hopefully do a sub 4 for the marathon

Worst: I do remember a run I did last year at my old house - my back was KILLING me about 2 miles into the run - I had to stop and walk back home - i was laid up the rest of the day :-( it was no fun

3. Why do you run?
Honestly - I'm pretty much addicted to it now....I run for the solitude...I run for the stress relief....I run for the high afterwards...I run to feel good...I run so I can eat whatever I want....I run because I can get more mileage in an hour than if I walk:-)

4. What is the best or worst piece of advice you've been given about running?
I don't really ask about running - I read everything I can - but I've definitely learned to never wash or put my sneakers in the dryer.....

5. Tell us something surprising about yourself that not many people would know.

As much as I like running outside - I totally prefer running on a treadmill.

Side note to all of this - I am pretty sure I am going to join a masters swim team - I just miss it

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