Friday, May 20, 2011

Did you hear....the world's going to end tomorrow?

Hah! Supposedly the world is ending tomorrow....but is it at Midnight tonight? or is it at Midnight tomorrow night? Or are they all wrong and the movie was right and its actually next year?

Personally, I don't believe it - but then the joke could be on me in a few days but if I AM wrong...will it matter? No one will be around to say "I told you so" - so why not just keep going?

I've never been über religious and even if I was, I certainly wouldn't think the Rapture was going to happen. There are no signs pointing to the Apocalypse. Sure there are natural disasters (tsunami's, earthquakes, etc), but those things would most likely be happening regardless of our existence. The Earth is a live being. It breathes, it eats, it rests. It's ever changing and I think that's appropriate for this blog.....just like me....ever changing.

We're nearing the time for proms and graduations. Can't believe another school year is down! It always makes me a little nostalgic for the dances I attended my senior year and, of course, graduation. When I think back on that time...I vividly remember thinking to myself, "I can't see what my life is going to be like in 10 years". Honestly. Some people can say that they see such and such about their future. Personally, most of my senior year of high school, I couldn't even see my graduation. Whether it was because I wasn't ready for it or because I was afraid and therefore blocked it out of my head - who knows - but what I know now is that regardless of whether you can imagine it - it happens. The future happens. Life moves forward with or without you, it's just more to your benefit to move along with it instead of remaining still/stagnant.

Since 1999 (yes, I graduated THAT long ago ha) a lot has happened and changed in my life. Like most high school seniors who just graduate, I had a lot of hope in my heart. I was in love - SO in love (another post for another time). I was accepted to every college I applied to and I was going to attend my first choice and swim there! I had a summer job lined up (aww yea lifeguarding). I had a summer ahead of me to celebrate and say goodbye to my closest friends. Most of all, I had so much to look forward to. It wasn't the BEST summer I've had (the year before that, when I got my license took that) but it ranks up there for me when I was a teenager.

I can't help but think, at the time, I was very content had the world ended then. In the 12 years since then, I'm grateful it hasn't! If the world were to end tomorrow, would I be happy with the life I've lead and where I'm at? Would I be content to say I'm fulfilled? How many people can say that?

There's this saying, "Live like there's no tomorrow". I think most people err on the side of caution. I do have a few friends that just live life to the fullest...but when I look at their life I see the differences. Most of them are still single (nothing wrong with that in the least). Most of them never stay in one place for too long. But they have very few worries. They're more happy-go-lucky and carefree. I think the challenge is finding the balance.

So would I be okay if the world ended tomorrow? I've had a pretty awesome life. I have amazing friends and family. I think the one thing I probably would've hope to have had by now was the beginnings of my own family....but I know I have plenty of time (haha or do I? lol) jk.

In reality - life goes on...besides, who's to say that we're not just all a figment of someone else's imagination anyway? (deep thoughts for a Friday morning)

Happy Weekend all!

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