Tuesday, May 10, 2011

29 things I know to be true (plus one for good measure)

So.....I read a lot of different blogs. Some are listed to the left of this post - one of them includes Eat, Live, Run. I found Jenna's blog like I found a lot of others out there. A few years ago when I was searching for blogs about running and eating healthy, her's was one of the first I found. In the last three years her life has changed a lot - but you know, so has mine. In fact, in the 29 years and 9 months and 30 days I've been alive, I've learned about myself. Jenna wrote a post last week about the 25 things she knows to be true....she's about to turn 26 so I guess she'll be able to add one more soon. But it got me to thinking.....I do a lot of lists on this blog and a lot of "I believe" or "I know" lists....what's one more? :-)

29 things I know to be true in my time here:
1. My neighbors are my family. And the kids I grew up with will always be my brothers and sisters.

2. Fruits and Vegetables ARE a staple diet choice.

3. So are soft pretzels and tomato pie.

4. I get antsy when I go more than one day without exercise.

5. A good bubble bath and massage are always welcome but I will always put them off.

6. I take really quick showers - no joke. Less than 5 mins (unless I'm shaving...then it's 7).

7. I'm very impatient when it comes to things in MY life but VERY patient for others.

8. I don't take my own advice when it comes to guys - maybe one day it will all work out for me.

9. Swimming - coaching swimming - watching swimming - teaching swimming - brings me joy like no other sport. I hope to pass this on to my swimmers.

10. Traveling is one of the best ways to find out how resourceful you can be - and when you travel with your family - it teaches you patience like no other.

11. Music and running keep me sane.

12. Doing something good for someone else - always makes you feel better.

13. Every day - we have a choice to be happy or sad. It is a choice. Truly.

14. Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people. It's not always fair. It's not always right. It is what it is. Keep moving forward.

15. Don't worry about what others think of you too much. As long as you're confident in your decisions and it won't hurt anyone, you'll be fine.

16. Your real friends love you no matter what. They laugh with you, cry with you, hug you when you need it and show up when you least expect it.

17. Just because people don't visit, doesn't mean they don't care or don't miss you.

18. Families are funny. Mine is no exception.

19. I don't like to cry in front of people. I feel like it makes me look weak.

20. Sometimes you get caught off guard: speaking before you think, asked questions you don't have answers to, etc.....these are the moments when you realize you are only human and you'll make mistakes.

21. Mistakes are fantastic ways to learn who you are and how much potential you have.

22. I am a white girl who loves rap.

23. I will always believe that I should be automatically good at any sporting event I attempt (yes, I do).

24. Laughing is one of the best therapies you'll ever find or need.

25. I am a hopeless romantic.

26. The world is as big or as small as you want it to be.....when people say, "small world" it makes me think that they need to expand their horizons...but then when I travel somewhere across the world and meet someone from my home town I realize it has nothing to do with where you are but being in the right place at the right time.

27. Love can be crippling and love can be amazing. Both ends of the spectrum are overwhelming. Figuring out how to handle them is an art.

28. Education. Education. Education. It's the corner stone to life - street or book.

29. Kindness never goes out of style.

30. Regardless of what you think or feel, you're most likely doing a lot better than you think. We are all our own worst critics.

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