Friday, March 7, 2008

My Nerdiness Reigns Supreme!

Hokay - major XF fan - if you are not - don't click here!!!!

OMG you guys! OMG! YAY:-) Happy times:-)

Anywho - back to reality. Currently "aunt flow" is in town - definitely not smile times for me. meh. I hateses when she comes to visit - but alas, an inevitable factor in being a woman. The monthly reminder that "haha!" no matter how much you work out - you still have a week where you will be mad because you have to sit at home with a heating pad on your back and get all emotional and stuff. BLAH! I can always feel when it's coming too - it's those days when it's THAT much harder to get up in the morning and that much more difficult to get through a work out - those are the days before it hits then WHAM! On my butt for at least two days. No fun.

Back to nerdiness - this is so cool! Robots are completely awesome. Just as long as, you know, they don't build one that's life size without a chord (and it always comes back to The Office!) because it could take over the world that way (oh dwight schrute).

And who wouldn't want a robot to open a beer for you!? Beer opening robot!

And going back to my FAVE show - who isn't excited about my future husband receiving these honors:-) HEART!

Finally - I think I am going to sign up for this Tri for the end of June - Baldwin Park Tri. I should be in shape by then! All things being what they are and that I remain healthy.

Elsewhere - life is kind of bleh. Work is bleh for the moment. I'm going to VEGAS next week which should be fun. Looking forward to experiencing it - as I have never been there. Also looking forward to seeing my seestar:-) I miss her.

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