But for those truly interested in what BSR was like this year here goes:
Let me start by saying it was 100% different than last year for several reasons. Those being:
1. The weather was a nice cool 58 in the morning and only got into the low 70s all day with the sun shining.
2. I had friends to go with this time (I did last year too but it wasn't like they were going to be running with me - I just got a ride from them last year).
3. I had been training better for it.
4. I went into it with a different mind frame.
5. Second time around is always better for me with a race because I now know what to expect and what I can assume it's going to be like (last year I wasn't prepared for the overwhelming amount of people that run - 30K+)
Last year I knew the weather was going to be awful so I kind of resolved to just be like - whatever - I don't want to waste my money. It was my first year running it so I had no idea what to expect but this year I was mentally prepared.
Keep in mind, last week was a crazy busy week. We had three Lacrosse games - two of which were night games (back to back, Thurs/Fri, away). I haven't really had a day off in nearly a month so I was pretty tired. Saturday was jam packed with things to do - BSR expo - Whitemarsh Township Day - Dinner at Seasons 52 (yes paul!) for my stepmom's birthday. So I was kind of in a grumpy mood in the morning on Saturday which, God Bless Bethany - she dealt with me and still managed to stay positive. I was just tired. So Saturday night rolled around and I had a beer before dinner - which I figured was alright but I was SO tired afterwards - little did I know that I think that's what did the trick. Here's to new traditions!
I set my alarm for 5am Saturday night - took a few Lunesta (another tradition for me to help me fall asleep for races now) and was out like a light. Sunday morning rolls around and I could just feel how tired I was - but I got up - did my normal routine: Coffee, Computer, Carbs (english muffins/toast w/pb). I got dressed in my new running tank (see previous post) and was starting to get antsy. I knew I was ready to go. Bethany and Emily showed up at 6:15 and we were on our way down. We got down to the Wells Fargo Center just before 7 - hopped on the subway - and took our 30 minute ride up to Girls High. Shortly thereafter we made a bee line to the portapotty's which we should have known would be a forever wait. As the time inched closer to 8:30 - we found a spot between the busses and portapottys and just popped a squat. I was tired of waiting and we all wanted to start on time. We seriously waited 45 minutes and weren't even near the front for the portapottys - terrible. So yes, we peed in public and no, I do not care in the least.
We found our way to the corral behind the one we were supposed to start in - but it doesn't really matter...and within 10 minutes we were on our way.
I started off fast - I always forget to clock each mile - I should really remember to do that from now on - at the end my garmin said I was averaging 7:51 minute miles. Sweetness! That's fast for me. I felt really good around mile 3 and since I knew how broad street was laid out - I felt even better know that it wasn't "all down hill" as so many people describe it. It has ups and downs. It's relatively flat - but it has those false flats that people don't know creep up on you. I remembered them from last year and was mentally prepared - put I had been working on hills in the gym on the treadmill and outside so I'm good for anything coming my way.
Before I knew it, I was at mile 5 - just in front of Independence Hall. I can't even begin to describe the awesomeness that is the site of seeing 30K+ running in a huge pack infront of Billy Penn. It's just - it's kind of overwhelming (and as a sidenote, knowing now that Osama Bin Laden is dead and on the same day of all of this - just something so cool about it - but I digress). I got my first sip of water just after the mile 5 marker and told myself I was sticking to water for the whole race. Last long race I did I grabbed gatorade and it gave me stomach cramps. Plus, when I do long runs at home, I never have water so I usually don't even think about grabbing any til mile 8 - but I figured I'd rather not wait that long.
Mile 6, 7 and 8 were a breeze - I got some water at Miles 7 and 8 - nothing special - but Mile 8 is right around where you start to see the stadiums so I was getting excited. I couldn't believe how quickly they appeared.
Keep in mind - when I started the race, my goal was to try for under 1:25 - I kept checking the mile marker clocks and I could tell I was averaging close to 8 minute miles. I had no idea how fast I was going. Mile 9 was and still is the most excruciating mile of the whole race. It feels like forever and as you're passing the stadiums you're like - ok cool - the naval yard is almost there - not so much. I kept looking down at my garmin to see how much farther....9.34......9.55......9.77.....9.8.....OMG where is the finish!? And you see the big sign with the "Island Photography" on it and think that's the finish - nope - it's not. You still have .2 miles to go. I always try to sprint the last half mile - my legs were like - no way jose. It wasn't happenin'. I was okay with that. Either way - I knew I was under my time from last year.
I finished in 1:18.35! I was and still am so happy. I can't believe myself. I have the power to amaze even myself sometimes. Who knew?
So after the race Bethany, Emily and I went to Guppy's for Free Brunch and Beer (which was not free but totally okay and worth it). Awesome post race recovery fuel if you ask me. Some pics for your viewing pleasure:
Overall, I'd say it's the best BSR experience I've had to date - of course I can only compare it to last year - but either way - 100% better and different. Can't wait til next year!
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