Tuesday, February 5, 2008


um - yeah - can I just tell you. woah with the tiredness. Srsly. I tried, I TRIED! to get more sleep last night - and I actually didn't wake up at all last night - a nice change from Sunday night where I approximated about 4 hours of actual sleep time.

I looked at myself in the mirror this morning and my first reaction was "damn, that mack truck was WAY bigger than I thought it would be". Yeah.

Anyway - I'm nearly 3/4 of the way through work today - better than yesterday - albeit that's not really saying much. I am BORED with this job - bored with life - bored with myself. BORED I TELL YOU!

The rest of the month will probably go really fast though, which has its ups and downs.

This Friday, an ex-boyfriend from High School who happens to live in Ft. Lauderdale now, is driving up to have dinner and drinks with me. That should be nice - considering I haven't seen him in a few years and we always seem to just miss each other. That'll be good. So I'm taking a half day on Friday (so I can workout since I didn't go yesterday - I'm a loser). I'm working for WinnerComm again this weekend for Dance/Cheer stuff - so no day's off.

Next week - I work Mon - Wed full days - Thursday I am taking a half day because Paul is flying in to visit for the weekend and he'll be here! So I'm excited for that - we plan on doing nothing! It should be great:-)

The following week is kind of the same - Mon - Wed I am working full days then taking off Thursday so I can workout before I fly home that afternoon - I fly up to Philly that Thursday, out to London the next day - in London for the weekend for soccer! and then back Monday night. I intend on taking off on Tuesday to give myself a day to catch up on sleep - I didn't schedule that time in the last time I went to Ireland so I am pretty sure it'll be better this way - and I won't be useless at work.

Then the week I'm back in Orlando (last week of Feb) - I work through Friday but Glenn (childhood friend/neighbor) wants to come down that last weekend in February to play golf and hang out. I think I am going to have to tell him that I just can't do it because I won't be able to take off work. He'll just have to come in March.

And by that time - March will be here! Craziness!

All the while, I MUST keep up with my TEFL course - I really don't want to not be able to finish it - I paid good money for it - speaking of money - I owe Trish rent and I have to put in for an invoice by Friday so I can get paid. Yucky money. HATESES MONEY!


As for other things - I've gotten really good with responding to people blindly. Example:

Person: Hey Katie what's up?
Me: Hey - nothing, how're you?
Person: Good, u?
Me: Good.
(also sometimes I'll say - "alright")

Ha - boy do I have them fooled. No one really cares all that much anyway - atleast not the passers-by. My friends do. Is it bad that I don't either?


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