Saturday, January 22, 2011

Confession Time!

Ok Ok - I've been gone for awhile (actually, just a week or so) but last week was crazy busy. I can tell when I have kids I will have no life whatsoever....thankgoodness that is not now....of course, I still have no life either so here's hoping that changes in a bit.

It seems like there is a trend amongst the blogs I read for confessions. I suppose I have a few of my own. A proper update will be coming tomorrow (since apparently that is when I have to do EVERYTHING Ive been putting off for the week - work, reading, etc). So, here goes:

1. I fear I will be alone for too long and by the time I do find someone, it will be too late for me to have kids.

2. For the longest time I told people my favorite color was is and always has been pink.

3. I am filling my life with things to keep me busy and keep my mind off of confession #1.

4. I can't stand it when people say something is too hard and they haven't even tried or attempted to do it.

5. I truly believe that the only place where success comes before work is the dictionary.

6. I want to win the lottery - haha - I guess that's not really a confession but moreso - I'd love to meet someone who's rich and get married...then solely work as a swim coach for the rest of my life :-) haha

7. I really don't like talking on the phone...unless it's with someone I don't talk to on a regular basis or haven't seen in a while. Otherwise, I'm perfectly content with texting, emailing, IMing, etc. I personally would really rather to talk someone in person - but understandably know I can't always do this.

8. I'm more content with staying in on a Saturday night and doing nothing versus going out and drinking.

9. I love school. I always have, always will. It's too bad I can't get a job as a student permanently haha.

10. I add a LOT of Splenda to my LOT. (yes, I know it's probably going to give me a disease some day...I don't's better than adding THAT MUCH SUGAR).

11. I don't feel a day over 18....ok, thats a body doesn't always recover as quickly as it used to...but I really don't feel old (because I'm not!) haha

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