Wednesday, April 1, 2009

"but how we survive, is what makes us who we are"

Somewhere between happy, and total fucking wreck
Feet sometimes on solid ground, sometimes at the edge
To spend your waking moments, simply killing time
Is to give up on your hopes and dreams, to give up on your...

Life for you, has been less than kind
So take a number, stand in line
We've all been sorry, we've all been hurt
But how we survive, is what makes us who we are

An obvious disinterest, a barely managed smile
A deep nod in agreement, a status quo exile
I shirk my obligations, I miss all your deadlines
I excel at quitting early, and fucking up my life

Life for you, has been less than kind
So take a number, stand in line
We've all been sorry, we've all been hurt
But how we survive, is what makes us who we are
~Rise Against


I found this band a few weeks ago...well I say "found" but really I had heard of them before. My friend Greg had recommended them to listen to for getting anger out...and while I was in the car with my friend Sean, he just gave me his compilation CD of these guys. They're awesome. I really resonate with their music and this song in particular. The first time I heard it I was like...yes. It's so true.

So what am I getting at? be entirely honest...I've had lots of ups and downs in the last few weeks. Lots of good! Some bad. And the moments when I just kind of was this really my life? Sounds so dire right? Ha, it's not. I'm fine....I'm just a thinker:-)

It's the start of another new month...geez, it feels like I just wrote my "thank goodness it's march" post the other day. Hard to believe how quickly time goes! But, I have lots of things to look forward to this month too!

-This weekend, I'm heading to EPCOT for my friend Christy's farewell extravaganza. She wants to drink around the world:-) I won't be partaking in the drinking but definitely want to be there since I missed her engagement party (due to other personal issues).
-Next week I am working three days - Cheer Event in Daytona. Apparently this is the funnest event all season, so I'm looking forward to that...and to getting even more of a tan than I already have:-) (thanks baseball games!)
-Next weekend is Easter and Masters's all in all should be fun. I can officially drink again! Yay for Easter Sunday Brunch:-) hehe
-The following week/weekend - I head home to Philly for a week (15th to the 22nd). I have a doc's appt and a weekend of debauchery in store with a group of my friends. Should be a good time.
-The weekend after that, I have the final Cheer event of the season here in Orlando. Sigh. It'll be sad (only because I probably won't see any of those people ever again...not because I'll miss the screaming cheerleaders).
-And the weekend after that is the first weekend in May!....which also has lots in store:-)

Here's hoping that I can score a few days at Golf Channel at the end of the month this month....just for a little extra money.

Elsewhere...the sad moments are few and far between but when they hit it just kind of feels like a brick hits me in the face. I was reading this blog when I realized that I have so much to look forward to as I get older. My twenties really are full of me wondering when "everything" is going to happen for me. I guess all I can hope is that I'm taking the right steps in the right direction in order for my "dreams" to become a reality.

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